Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2013

The MTW Awards are here again

I just finalized our list of 25 biggest traffic bringers to Mini treasures wiki. In the beginning of MTW most of the traffic came through miniature blogs, sites and forums but now the situation has changed. People have bookmarked our site and most people visit it via Google and other search engines. So now I needed to go back to 255 biggest traffic bringers to get this list. The links on this lists are mainly blogs or website hosted by either private people or companies. They are sites where I can leave comments telling them about the prize they have gotten. I also found some inactive blogs and secret blogs which were left out from this list as I could not reach their owner.

I want now to thank these wonderful sites for the promotion efforts you have done for Mini treasures during the last year. Keep on the good work :).

I added all these award winners on our Pinterest board dedicated to MTW Awards. They are all nice sites worth of your browsing too :).


If you want to be included on this list next year, start promoting our wiki now. Add a wiki button on your site and tell your blog's readers about our wiki and what it means to you. :) The winners are found also on our 4th birthday page.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Winners of our birthday contest

Hi there

We have had a very nice birthday party on our site :). And we got quite many participants on our big contest where we had 9 (NINE!) the cutest mini prizes.

I just did the lottery and here are the winners.

Saara Vallineva, Hegemony77, gingeranna, Pat Wareing, Linda McD, Micaela Lehtonen, Danielle LeBrun, A.Dourou and Wendy Riggins.

Congrats to you all and check our site to see what did you win :). I would love to see the photo of your prize when you get it, so please leave a comment below.

The people who have donated our prizes have now been contacted. I gave them the winners email address (the one they use for logging to our wiki) so they can ask for a snail mail address and be enable to send them to right destination.

Thank you for all the nice people who took part in our contest this time. :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome to our 4th birthday party!

Mini treasures wiki will be 4 years on Sunday 14th April 2013. We are celebrating the occasion with several ways:

  • we are show-casing the cakes from our Flickr group
  • we have a special Facebook event 
  • we will be tweeting about our birthday using #mtw4y
  • we are giving away the MTW Awards for 25 sites bringing us most traffic
  • there are give-away (feel free to donate too by this Sunday, e.g. by leaving a comment on this blog post)
Come and join our party (the main page for the event is of course in the wiki itself) and do not forget to spread the word about it :). Make us a birthday card or leave your kind words in the comment section of this blog. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our 4th birthday is coming soon with a contest

On 14th April Mini treasures wiki will be 4 years old. We have a habit of celebrating that by thanking the miniature bloggers who brought us most traffic.

See the 25 bloggers or site owners who got the MTW Award last year and think if you could join them by spreading the word about Mini treasures wiki in your blog or site. :)

But before our birthday have a happy mini Easter!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why I have been away from you...

Tiny Valentines Day cards You might have noticed that I have not been with you for a long time but now I am back. What was I doing then?

First I was planning my research exchange time and then doing it: me and my family spent 6 weeks in Graz, Austria to study social media in automotive industry. Boy was it interesting! It is always to work in foreign country and learn about new cultures. The visit was in November-December so me, an old Christmas fan, was been spoiled by different goodies Graz has to offer, e.g. Christmas fairs. :) Loved it! During the Christmas time I was promoting our advent calendar but the main work was done by Linda, thank heavens we have her onboard!

After we came back to Finland we had of course plenty to do, e.g. meeting the family we had not met during Christmas. But I was busy with other things too.

The loveliest dollhouse blog in Finnish, Nukkekoti Väinölä

Before I started Mini treasures wiki I had another wiki, Nukkekotiwiki, a wiki about dollhouses in Finnish. After all the time I spend with you the first wiki was lacking my attention so last year I decided to give some love for it too. My idea was to host a contest: the cutest dollhouse blog in Finnish. First I planned to run it after the summer but something happened: a major Finnish blog service called Vuodatus crashed. And it deleted the photos of its users from several years! Many dollhouse bloggers were using Vuodatus so to give them more time to recover I postponed the contest till the end of the year. The deadline for voting was 15th January and since then I have been telling the results day by day. The top ten bloggers are found on a Pinterest board.

Aamulehti interviewed me for CMAD, I am the lady on the right
Source: via Johanna on Pinterest

But this is still not all! I am not only the community manager of Mini treasures and Nukkekotiwiki but I run other communities as well. Being a community manager is one of my passions - I want to learn how to do it well and how to get the most out of you. This is the reason I brought Community Manager Appreciation Day to Finland last year. Last year we were about 15 persons in that event but this year we were 150! And I was still one of the main organizers of the event. So you can guess I was busy with that event, I was thinking that it was almost like my wedding (we had the same amount of visitors back in 2000): I had been inviting a big group of people to celebrate a day (party) with me and to hear the speaches we had chosen for them. I WAS nervous but luckily everything went quite well.

So now my life is back to so called "normal mode". Of course I still have a business to run and a family to mother but nothing so special so should be able to spend some weekly hours with you from now on. :) I just wanted you to know why I stayed away from you for such a long time - hope you understand now better.

Mini treasures is not part of my business (yet) but just a hobby. I got the bill from the Pbworks again, 499$ a year. An expensive hobby I have, don't I? If I want to make my living out of Mini treasures we would need to get 100 times as much as visitors than we currently (14 000 montly visitors) have or to get our visitors to buy 100 times more from Amazon using our affiliate links (e.g. Mini treasures store). The combination would be easiest to achieve: 10 times more visitors and 10 times more Amazon shopping. So the next time you are thinking to buy something from Amazon, use one of our links. Consider also if you can promote MTW to your mini friends - it will encourage me to pay the Pbworks bill again next year.

Till later friends, I have been missing you!

Monday, April 23, 2012

MTW Award 2012

Howdy hoe!

It is again time to share the MTW Awards. Every year we are giving them to people who are bringing the most traffic to Mini treasures wiki. They make our site what it is by spreading the word and thus they are really valuable for the site. So once a year we are giving the credits for 25 popular mini sites. If you want to see your site in this list next year, start acting now: add links to our wiki every now and then and a button to your side bar.

I left the forums, search engines and social media services out of this list - most awards are given to a blogger.
Thank you for your support and congrats for reaching MTW Award 2012. Here is the award banner for your blog.

I would love to hear from you winners:
What is your favorite page in our wiki?
Any ideas about how could improve the site in future`?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday party & a give-away challenge

 We have found a treasure! A mini treasure! It was done by Finnish miniature artisan Jaana Nykvist-Pekkarinen. She her blog.

She actually made two sets for Mini treasures 3rd birthday. Want to get one? Go and introduce yourself at Wiki members page during the April and you will be part of the lottery.

If you have already done that, don´t worry: if you just update your introduction during April, you will also get the change to win a special prize made just for us :).

Good luck, I am eagerly waiting to get to know you better than I already do. :)

Enjoy our birthday month! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April is our Birthday month!

3 years ago I realized there were no English wiki about miniatures so I started one myself. 3 years earlier I had started one in Finnish so I started to translate it but soon Mini treasures wiki grew bigger than the original.

Since then we have celebrated our birthday :).

This year there will be:
- a contest. The people who edit the members page during April will enroll to a lottery (more details about this later)
- 25 MTW Awards winners. It will be given to 25 sites bringing us most traffic (you will find new cool sites among them)
- a possibility to make birthday wishes: tell us a wiki page you would like to get improved.

Do you have other ideas how we could celebrate the event? Since it is Easter month too, we will share also Easter goodies with you :).

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mini Treasures Hunt is open for enrollment

A while ago I promised you a fun wiki course which is a contest at the same time.

We are organizing it because there are people who would like to contribute more in our wiki but don't know how exactly to do it.

During this 2 week course you will together with your new partner learn the wiki editing tricks in a fun and exciting way. And 2 of you will get this wonderful and one-of-a-kind set including a seat and the accessories donated by our wiki member Anne from Greece.

Come and have fun with us!
Read more about the rules from here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Easy access to your favorite wiki pages

Dollhouse Miniature Fairy Tin of Chocolates
1083. That´s the amount of pages in our wiki at the moment. A lot! Once in a while you pump into a page you want to visit also later. There is a nice way to bookmark those pages - you just give stars to your favorite pages. How is it done?
See the instructions and participate a contest - maybe you will win these delicious mini chocolates? :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A contest ongoing

Contest alarm!!
We have the second contest ongoing in Mini treasures wiki this summer. This time Vesi Koleva was the one to sponsor us with this cool set of a rose and a bread board. Looks good does it? :) To participate our contest go to spreading the word page and leave a comment - tell what you have done to promote our wiki and you might get Vesi´s miniatures :).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

2nd anniversary coming

MTW 1 year Hi friends!

Amazing thing - I noticed we have 100 followers in this blog. Thank you so much for your interest :).

Next week will be a special one - Mini treasures wiki will be 2 years old on 14th April. Last year I organized a virtual party and had a lot of fun. I was planning something similar this year with contests and everything but have been too busy to organize it. For example last week I visited Denmark for a conference that was held in Lego hotel - what an inspiring place it was! Too bad the park itself was closed.

So I was about to tell you that there will be no party at all but felt too bad about that so here it is: a page for us to celebrate the occasion again.

And there will be one contest - I will let you know who of you has brought most traffic to our wiki during the last year. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011 contest ongoing

I woke up late on this but still... There is a contest nomination ongoing on about miniature blogs, books and kits. If you like Mini treasures you could help me in promoting the service by voting this blog. Not much time anymore though - it will be interesting to see who will win this :).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

HeiaHeia! (move babe move)

I have a confession to make: I do not move enough. But as there are two times a year people make promises I am now trying to improve the situation - with help of you of course: chearlead for me!


I am member of HeiaHeia. It is like Facebook but the status updates are all about keeping fit. And as they say: everything counts. It is better to walk the stairs than use the elevator, it is better to walk to shop than to drive a car, it is better to take a bike instead of a bus and so on. And it might be a good idea to go to a gym but I am not expecting too much from myself ;). But I just took a walk so that I would have something to report to HeiaHeia before writing about it to you (which proves it is working, it got me moving). I have created a group for Mini treasures and I feel myself very lonely there - come and start moving with me virtually and spiritually - I cannot be the only miniaturist who rather stays at home with dollhouses than goes outside to look for some sweat...

Ps. Remember to participate to our contest - you have still one day to participate - edit the wiki, correct a spelling mistake, introduce yourself or add your favorite link, everything counts also for that ;).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Edit in MTW and win @ellebanscuties

For Johantti Elleban26 from our Flickr group and from Etsy donated a wonderful prize for our new contest. If you want to get the goodies from the picture edit our wiki during the following week. The winner is picked among the editors next Friday 20th August. Good luck and have fun! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The second MTW contest starts now!

Wohoo! It is time to start the second wiki competition. In the first contest we were looking for tips for miniature projects inspired by football - congrats Betty King :). Now we do not limit the content but the time - everyone who is editing the wiki during the following week will be part of a lottery. You can e.g. correct spelling mistakes, promote your dollhouse projects or recommend a museum/book/shop. The lottery results will be informed on Wednesday 28th July 2010 (or later).

If you have not edited the wiki yet, see wiki abc and wiki faq.

And one of the editors will get wonderful prize donated by
Marottesud: the 6 Jane Austen's novels
-"Pride and prejudice",
-"Sense ans sensibility",
-"Nothanger Abbey" and
-"Mansfield Park"),
that's 12 miniature books because each one of the novels is in 2 volumes.

Good luck and if you have problems with editing, ask help from me. :)

PS. If you are not lucky in the lottery but are dying to get the books you can of course buy the books from her Etsy shop.

Monday, July 5, 2010

For those of you who have not visited MTW lately...

Hi mini friend

As it seems you have not logged in to Mini treasures wiki in the last months I am writing you to tell what has happened lately there :).

First of all we got new icons and the whole site looks much fresher now. Go and press the buttons to learn to navigate in the wiki again.

Then we started having theme weeks. During the past weeks we have visited US, Finland, Canada, UK, Germany and the Netherlands. This week we do Spain and after that we go to Australia, Italy and France.

And we have started piloting contests. The very first one is about a hot topic: football (soccer) and it will last one week still - one Sunday we will know the winner. To participate you only need to write a hint for miniature projects related to football.

Start following us either in Facebook or in Twitter .

Welcome back! :)

Mini hugs,
Johanna Janhonen

Friday, June 11, 2010

MTW contest: football

So far I do not run out of ideas about what we could do in our wiki - the only limitation is the time - not enough time for the site...

Now we are opening the very first contest in Mini treasures wiki!

Our contest is connected to FIFA World cup in South Africa started today - both of them last one month. It's about digging cool ideas, tips and links related to football (soccer) projects in miniature. We do not limit the scale - it can be anything from microminis to big fashion dolls.

Being a "football widow" herself Linda is the judge of the contest. On 11th July she will decide the coolest tip someone added to football page. That someone is the winner of the first contest and the prize (donated by Linda) will be sent to her(him). So if you see a cool dollhouse/doll project related to football, if you see cool printables, if you see mini instructions - just add them to the page and you are in the game. Maybe you are even inspired to create something by yourself...

PS. There will be more contests as the time goes by. For that we need donators. A donator is being featured in all MTW channels (MTW main page, blog, Facebook, Twitter) during the contest so it is an unique way to promote your miniatures. If you want to get in, contact me. All the contests are different. Normally they last only one week and the participants are usually asked to contributed in MTW in a way or another. This time it is about collecting football tips, next time it will be something completely different. :)