Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Winners of our birthday contest

Hi there

We have had a very nice birthday party on our site :). And we got quite many participants on our big contest where we had 9 (NINE!) the cutest mini prizes.

I just did the lottery and here are the winners.

Saara Vallineva, Hegemony77, gingeranna, Pat Wareing, Linda McD, Micaela Lehtonen, Danielle LeBrun, A.Dourou and Wendy Riggins.

Congrats to you all and check our site to see what did you win :). I would love to see the photo of your prize when you get it, so please leave a comment below.

The people who have donated our prizes have now been contacted. I gave them the winners email address (the one they use for logging to our wiki) so they can ask for a snail mail address and be enable to send them to right destination.

Thank you for all the nice people who took part in our contest this time. :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome to our 4th birthday party!

Mini treasures wiki will be 4 years on Sunday 14th April 2013. We are celebrating the occasion with several ways:

  • we are show-casing the cakes from our Flickr group
  • we have a special Facebook event 
  • we will be tweeting about our birthday using #mtw4y
  • we are giving away the MTW Awards for 25 sites bringing us most traffic
  • there are give-away (feel free to donate too by this Sunday, e.g. by leaving a comment on this blog post)
Come and join our party (the main page for the event is of course in the wiki itself) and do not forget to spread the word about it :). Make us a birthday card or leave your kind words in the comment section of this blog. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our 4th birthday is coming soon with a contest

On 14th April Mini treasures wiki will be 4 years old. We have a habit of celebrating that by thanking the miniature bloggers who brought us most traffic.

See the 25 bloggers or site owners who got the MTW Award last year and think if you could join them by spreading the word about Mini treasures wiki in your blog or site. :)

But before our birthday have a happy mini Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday party & a give-away challenge

 We have found a treasure! A mini treasure! It was done by Finnish miniature artisan Jaana Nykvist-Pekkarinen. She her blog.

She actually made two sets for Mini treasures 3rd birthday. Want to get one? Go and introduce yourself at Wiki members page during the April and you will be part of the lottery.

If you have already done that, don´t worry: if you just update your introduction during April, you will also get the change to win a special prize made just for us :).

Good luck, I am eagerly waiting to get to know you better than I already do. :)

Enjoy our birthday month! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April is our Birthday month!

3 years ago I realized there were no English wiki about miniatures so I started one myself. 3 years earlier I had started one in Finnish so I started to translate it but soon Mini treasures wiki grew bigger than the original.

Since then we have celebrated our birthday :).

This year there will be:
- a contest. The people who edit the members page during April will enroll to a lottery (more details about this later)
- 25 MTW Awards winners. It will be given to 25 sites bringing us most traffic (you will find new cool sites among them)
- a possibility to make birthday wishes: tell us a wiki page you would like to get improved.

Do you have other ideas how we could celebrate the event? Since it is Easter month too, we will share also Easter goodies with you :).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Flickr group one year today!

Wohoo, a birthday again! During the first year Mini treasures Flickr group has not only grown big (231 members) but also beautiful (2364 cool photos of treasured minis). What I like in our group is the big variation, we have dolls, miniatures, roomboxes, dollhouses and dioramas and the scale varies from micro minis of 1:144 to big fashion dolls of 1:4. And yet we are sharing the same hobby and passion for small things, we have kept the child inside us while we play with our treasures. Thanks for sharing them with us and keep sending them - it is always so nice to find new photos and new members in the group. Happy birthday to you all my friends! Open the present by clicking the play button in the slideshow. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Another birthday coming: Flickr group 1 year

We just had our first birthday for the wiki. On Friday our Flickr group will be one year old :). I will post some highlights and stats on weekend. Help us to make the group even richer - tell your friends about it and add pictures of all your mini treasures. If you don't have an account in Flickr yet, get one to join all the fun :).

Friday, April 2, 2010

Improved wiki editor

Just found out that the PBworks editor was improved, the content copied from Word works better now and there is option "save and ontinue". Read more

PS. To give the credit to those it belongs I am concepting "MTW Award" - the people bringing most traffic to our wiki will be featured on wiki's birthday. Are you one of them? :)