Showing posts with label CafePress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CafePress. Show all posts

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The wiki is upgraded again

Usch - I just paid for the second upgrade, we have now got yet another year for premium version of PBworks. I think last year the payment was something like 100 dollars - now it is nearly 500$. It feels kind of lot for a hobby project but I guess I need to continue with the premium version so that we are not loosing anything (members nor data) and to keep spammers away from it.

In case you would like to help me with the payment you can easily do it by
- making Amazon purchases using the links from our wiki
- donating via PayPal (just let me know your email address, mine is the same old)
- buying fan products from our Cafe Press shop.

And if you do not have any money or will to use for monetizing Mini treasures wiki at the moment don't worry, I am sure someone (like me) is taking care it for you. :)

But if you do want to spoil yourself see if there are any nice books here you'd need to get:

Take care wiki friends!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our wiki is premium now

It was a tough decision but I was pushed to do it: I bought a premium version for one year for Mini treasures wiki. This was the first time I paid for an Internet service and I was not that happy to do it. I am giving a lot of my free time for improving the wiki and I thought it should be enough. But it was not, now also my money is envolved...

But with the earlier free version of PBworks I could not do as much as I wanted.

E.g. any spammer could come and add links to our main page or sidebar. :( Linda, my right hand, told me that she could not do proper searches any more. And when I posted links to Facebook it refused to show the pictures like it used to do. :(

But now those problems are solved :).

With premium version I was also able to add a logo which is now shown in every page. :) If you click it you will be landing to the main page. And the most visible change for you: I was able to customize the colors. :)

Tell me if you have any problems with the new wiki!

And now something with small print:
If there are wiki lovers out there who want to help me in raising the money there are several options. You can buy stuff from our Cafe Press shop or buy books or other stuff from Amazon using the links in the wiki (e.g. from the books page). And as I am a miniaturists I wouldn´t mind if you decide to send something small for me, e.g. one of those mini treasures that are shown in our pool... In that case ask me to send my address as I don´t want to share that in public. A sponsorship deal is worth negotiating too.

But don´t get me wrong now: I am not pushing you to pay me (like PBworks kind of did to me): the wiki remains free of charge for readers and you can add links to your favorite sites and shops as you wish. Have fun there - I certainly do. :)f

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sales @ Mini treasures´ fan shop

Don´t we all love sales and making bargains? I decided to start the sales in Mini treasures´ fan shop in Cafe Press today, it will last the rest of this year - so that you can buy something for Seasons e.g. greeting cards. Happy shopping experience!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Treasure hunting with Mini treasures bag

I like experimenting - I just established a shop in CafePress for Mini treasures wiki. Go and see what there is for you. Have not decided myself yet what to order, maybe magnets and buttons for starters. Mmmm. If your favorite product is missing, tell me and I´ll add that too, I just did not want to choose too wide selection right away. Happy shopping! :)