Showing posts with label Victorian Cottage Jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victorian Cottage Jr.. Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Victorian Cottage Jr is done!

My craft room/dollhouse room is finally up and running! And I have returned to the dollhouse hobby after several years "away" from it. I had a break due to full-size renovation of our house, and a new baby! He is one year old now, and I am still enjoying my loooong maternity leave.

Here are some pictures of my Victorian Cottage Jr as it looks today. If you click on the Victorian Cottage Jr tag, you can see the changes I made from earlier.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A sneak peek

My camera has gone missing in the moving process, so until I find it... Here's a little sneak peek of my dollhouse room taken with my phone camera. I just love my comfy chair, right next to all my dollhouse magazines and books.

To see more of the dollhouses in the shelf, press the tags "Victorian Cottage Jr" and "La Belle Vie".

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Framed painting

I bought this oil-painting a while ago at a thrift-shop. It had a bigger frame, and it cost next to nothing. I removed the frame, and I just made a new one. Now it`s on the wall of Grandma and Grandpa`s living room.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lights in Victorian Cottage Jr

I have installed lights in my Victorian Cottage Jr. I still need more lamps in every room, but this is what I have so far.

You can hardly see the light in the kitchen, it didn`t turn out exactly as I had wished. There is a lightbulb behind the oven hood, above the stove. I also noticed that the light makes the ovenhood kind of see-through. So I`ll definitely need some more lamps to light up this room!

I have to change a couple of bulbs in the living room...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Perfume bottles

My grandma doll has gotten some new perfume bottles. The tops are some old earrings. Both the tops and the bead caps are real silver, grandma likes the very best! ;-D