I got this award from
Janne and
Sylvia. Thank you very much, both of you! It`s so nice of you to think of me :-)

The rules for the award are:
1.Thank the person that gave it to you.
2.Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.Link to the person who nominated you.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that nobody knows.
5.Nominate 7 kreativ bloggers.
6.Post link to the 7 blogs that you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.
The 7 people I would like to give this award to are
LotjesdollshouseWitch and Wizard MiniaturesOh Mini Of MineMiniature MiniaturesLizelundMiniaturas NatasylviaMiniatyrmamaNow for the 7 things that nobody knows about me... I guess it has to be 7 things that my online friends don`t know about me. People who know me in person probably know this already.
1. I am a chocoholic, and one of my favorites is making hot chocolate from Valrhona chocolate and add a dash of whipped cream.
2. I hate to exercize! Though I am a member of a gym... I force myself to go there about twice a month.
3. I loved Barbie dolls as a child, and used to dream of working for Mattel as a doll designer.
4. I have had French classes for 5 years at school, but I still don`t really speak the language. I wish I knew French as well as I know English.
5. I`m a bit nervous about turning 30 this summer... Does this mean I have to grow up...? ;-p
6. I constantly sort through my things and get rid of everything I don`t need. I don`t like holding on to things that are not useful, pretty or keepsakes. I go through everything in our attic about once a year.
7. I`d like to go to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida some day.