was celebrated a day and a half early here. My quilty chics and I (mini group) got together for a quilt-a-thon starting Thursday night through Friday evening at Sharon's "second home". We made it until 3:00 a.m Friday morning before we finally had to head off to bed.
I am almost afraid to post pictures of this quilt as it is another applique quilt and I need another one of those like I need another hole in my head, but my green strips for the border have been pinned to my design wall for longer than I can remember. This is a pattern out of the book Winter Rose by Barbara Brandeburg called Winter Botanical and I have had fabrics pulled for this for eons. Can't promise that I will get to this anytime soon, but all the pieces (other than the applique pieces) are cut out and ready to go. I even got some of the striped border pieced and cut out.
Also, decided to use the excess triangles that resulted from the Merry-Go-Round quilt that I did this past summer and cut out alternating white triangles and it resulted in a baby quilt. May add a border, but not quite sure yet. Can you find my "humility block"?
Also, pieced a binding for a quilt and worked a little on my #6 Cherry Tree block.
Gwen Marston block; Hawaiian applique blocks (underneath); 9-path; Snow; and table runner.
Isn't this one turning out cute?!!
Sharon worked on getting this one to this border. There is still supposed to be another border with appliqued veins and leaves. She has been my inspiration for red and green quilts.
Then there is Nancy with her 9-patches.
She was going gunho on making her 9-patches and this is the result of some of them.
All-in-all, we had a pretty successful 24+ hours with very little sleep. I think we all need days like this.