Showing posts with label quilting; longarm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilting; longarm. Show all posts

Saturday, April 26, 2014

First "real" attempt.

I made my first real attempt at custom work on my long arm. 
I have done straight line, wavy line stitching and meandering, but this is the first one like this.
Not perfect, but passable.
It's my daughter's HST quilt that she said to practice on. 
I hope she likes it. 
Next, I am loading a customer quilt (my sister-in-law's) that I will be doing a "ribbons and roses" panto on.  It's a queen-sized quilt, 9-patch with alternating plain blocks.  Since that quilt is done in Robyn Pandolph fabrics, I just felt that ribbons and roses fit perfectly.
Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sneak peek.....

Just took #4 off the long arm and this one is another one for the new baby who should be here any day (or minute!). 
If life works out right, I hope to get the binding on this one tomorrow night.  That's all I hope for.  If I have to hand stitch it down while waiting in the hospital, that will be alright with me. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pays to be Square......

I told you on my last post that the second quilt I had done on my long arm gave me some trouble because it was more of a parallelogram rather than square.  Well, I used it for practice so that when I did this quilt for my daughter's soon to be born baby boy, it would turn out better. 
It was loaded a couple nights ago. 
....but I couldn't get to it until today.
It worked up so much easier being square.  LOL....I highly recommend it. :D
Again, I used the popcorn panto with So Fine thread in a medium gray.
I even had the time to put the binding on tonight.
So here is the finished quilt.
It feels so good when something works out well; and I am proud enough of this one to give it as a gift. 
Next....I am not sure if it will be the other baby quilt that I have for her or the Fancy That quilt that will be for me. We'll see which one wins out. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First quilt off the longarm.....

I have to say...this quilt has been off the rails for a little while and I felt so disappointed with it that I stuck it away. But...I have three quilts that need to go on there like NOW, so I got it back out to put the binding on and it didn't look as bad as I thought.
I used the "popcorn" panto on it.  Here is a close up.
I used a busy backing, not only because I liked the fabric, but I thought it would hide any problems that I may have created when quilting it.
I used white Omni thread on this but that was probably because I didn't have anything else here that would go.  If I had it to do over again, I might have used yellow or a light/med. gray. 
This quilt was a result of seeing someone's b/w/red scrappy quilt and I thought I would make it with my b/w stash. Well, that stash wasn't as big as I thought so I went to a shop that was closing and bought a bunch of black and white fabrics.  I CUT THEM ALL UP and sewed them into strips. ...(I don't recommend this).  I made a queen-sized b/w/red quilt; this b/w/yellow lap quilt and I have a bag full of b/w strips all sewn together  that will wait until I am no longer sick of black and white.  I plan on the future...putting those strips together with turquoise or chartreuse.  We will see. on to the three quilts that need to go on the longarm pronto!!!

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...