With the ways things were going the other day, things could only go up.
I decided to make my grandson a couple little pillowcases for his nappy pillow.
Of course, they had to be Minions.
He loved them. In fact, my daughter said she probably wouldn't get him to use the white pillowcases anymore. :D
Then my daughter and I did some peach jam. We did about 31 - 8 oz jars.
Yes....it tastes wonderful. I had to try it out right away.
Got the binding on my Christmas quilt, washed and dried it; and I do have to say that I am liking it a little more than I was.
I started to cut out a challenge quilt and have some of the blocks up on a design wall; but .....because it is a challenge, I can't show pictures just yet. Oh....that's going to be hard for me.
Then today I decided to get a customer quilt on the Millie and did a free motion design called "loopy clams". It worked up pretty quick. So now that one is done, too.
Those are 5" scrappy stars.
Here's some close ups.
....and here is the backing.
So...yes...things are looking up a little. It always feels good to get some things accomplished.
I am glad to have this stuff done and out of the way, so that I can enjoy the holiday weekend.
You all have a great holiday weekend, too.