I have a customer that is really on the ball this year. She had me quilt her first Christmas gift quilt already......and it's Christmas gifts to boot. I thought this one was so adorable. It doesn't scream Christmas, but makes a subtle statement.
I quilted it with the Diagonal Plaid panto using a sage-y So Fine thread on this one.
On the other hand, usually at Christmas time I pull out a puzzle to work on during the holidays.
I didn't pull this one out until the end of February with the hopes that when I had ALL the grandkids here, they would give me a hand.
They looked at that pile of 2000 pieces and just walked away. :(
So I plugged away a little each day; but I wouldn't have gotten to this point without the help of the two youngest grandsons just the other day.
I won't be doing another 2000 piece puzzle until the memory of this one has worn off. Oh, by the way, it was called Quilting Shed and there was NOT one quilt in the whole puzzle. Little do they know.
Now, I feel free to get to some of my other projects now that customer quilts are done and puzzle is boxed up again.
Let's see what gets done first.