That's Nancy, Sharon and me....the Quilty Chicks. We met last Friday for a chatting, eating and show and tell afternoon.
Sharon's show and tell involved these lovelies.
These were just a few of her holly blocks. Since last Friday, she has made many more.
Also, she was knitting this gorgeous cowl for her daughter. Got me thinking of knitting a cowl for my daughter...or maybe for me.
Nancy had plenty to show.
These were some of the hot pads she had made for Christmas gifts.
There were just a handful of her flannel blocks that she is making a large quilt out of. It is going to be very pretty and cozy.
Nancy made this lovely quilt out of her Aunt Gracie fabrics.
Nancy was, also, caught up in making the hexagons that Sharon had gotten us for Christmas. Only thing is that Nancy is starting to put some of hers together. Me...I just keep making hexagons (100 already).
I did get all the rows put together for the hst baby quilt.
Picked up some fabric for the backing and binding for this quilt.
I now have the binding made and the quilt is layered and pinned. Here it is in the pinned stage.
I now have half of it quilted, but I will save that until another post.
As for my Cherry Tree BOM....
This is where I stand on block #15. I have printed up block #16, but what with work (and believe me there have been some hellish days lately); my oldest dear daughter selling her house, buying a new house and planning on moving herself, her husband, three kids, a cat and a dog into MY house until they can fix up the new house; my trying to get prepared for my youngest dear daughter's wedding in June (I am working on the guest list as we speak and will be going out tomorrow to START looking for a dress for myself; babysitting ..or should I say dog sitting for my son this weekend......I just don't have the energy to pick up my applique right now. I have been trying to get some reading in and finished up Sugar Camp Quilts and am halfway through The Christmas Quilt ...both by Elm Creek Quilts. Oh well, I should be happy that I am finding the time to work on any quilt at this time.
I am thankful for friends who have refreshed my spirit to get back to my sewing.
Well, back to the wedding list and the baby quilt. I will be posting my progress (or should I say a completed quilt) very soon.
Happy Quilting.