Showing posts with label quilt show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt show. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

My Guild's Quilt Show.....

It's come and gone  just like that after all the planning.  I will say that I think this was one of our best.  We had a good 225 quilts to display and numerous vendors to shop.  

Today I worked the admissions table after running through the show and when all was said and done, I was one to help during take down to fold and ready the quilts for the owners to pick it up.  

Here is just a smattering of the quilts that I got pictures of.

Loved the blue quilting on this one. 


These chickens made me smile.  It got a 2nd place viewer's choice ribbon.  This is the only ribbon I saw before the quilts were taken down, but I think this one was well deserved. 

Garden Chevrons is mine.

Gathering Baskets is mine.

I love giraffes.

Couldn't pass on the llamas.

Swoon is mine (French General fabrics)

Sunshine checkerboard is mine, too. 

I didn't take home any ribbons this time around, but that's ok.  It's such a joy to see your quilts hung in a show since not too often do you see your quilts from this perspective, plus it is always fun to share.  

Well, it's over for the next two years.  I wonder what I will produce that will be quilt show worthy during that time.  We will see.  

Hope you enjoyed this small taste of our show.  I should have taken more pictures, but I was so caught up in all the beauty, I was forgetting to take pictures.  Oh well.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I see a pattern here....

I went to a quilt show today at Canterbury Village in Lake Orion, MI.  The show was held in  Kings Court  Castle.  The show was put on by Great Lakes Heritage Quilt Guild.
I just have to share with you the many applique quilts that I found to be stunning. 

Forgive me, these were taken with my I-phone and I had them all edited to be upright, but for some reason they are now in their original position....sideways.  Don't know why I bothered to go through all the trouble to straighten them out. 

These 9-patch within a 9-patch blocks were smaller than the width of my I-phone.

I have to say these quilts were wonderful to see, but the lighting for this show left a lot to be desired.  Next time I will know to remember to bring my regular camera, too.  No more sideways pictures.  Hope you don't have a crick in your neck. 

Anyways, it was a good day spent with good friends seeing beautiful quilts. What more could a gal ask for?....oh yeah, more time to sew.  :D

Oh, one final thought.  I need to make this one!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Little country church quilt show

I didn't have real high hopes that this would be a great quilt show today since it was being held in a small, white clapboard, country church.  I just thought it would be a great day out with my quilt friends....seeing "some" quilts, lots of chatter and going out to lunch, but I was pleasantly surprised.

They really packed the quilts into this quaint little church.

The quilts were draped over all the pews and there were plenty of quilts hung on the walls. Some new, some antiques.   I thought I would share some of our favorites.

The one that I hoped would win the "best of show" was this one. 

Those 9-patches were each 1 1/2" in size.  (each little square was then 1/2").  I forget how many thousand she said were in there.  It was to die for!!!

This "star" quilt  was awesome.  I think it was the colors of the quilt and the fabric choices that just sung out to us.  Each star was just "fussy" cut from a fabric. We thought at first that they were appliqued, but it just didn't matter because the whole quilt was just very inviting. 

Then there was this applique quilt.  It seemed so impressive (or I should say that it was impressive), but on closer inspection, it was much more simple than first thought as their choices of fabrics and the fussy cutting they did for each of the pieces made it appear much more elaborate.  It was beautiful.

Then there was this very pretty 9-patch (but laid out differently than most).  I believe this quilt was an antique and it had a very different edge.

One more antique that caught our eyes was this Texas star.  I sure would have loved to see this one hanging.  Texas stars are almost always impressive. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed what little I could share with you  at this lovely little country church quilt show.

I am now off to work on my fourth scallop border which I did manage to rip out only a couple tips to scootch them in (no full scallop removal on this one thank goodness) and have the last two full scallops basted one.  I will be sharing this with you very soon. 

Happy quilting. 

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...