It's been busy around here lately. There are four quilts that needed sleeves and labels as I will be entering them into our local quilt guild's show at the end of this month. Since I will be leaving for a quilt retreat early next week, I had to get these done now.
I stitched on temporary (out of muslin) sleeves to each of these quilts just for the show. Those sleeves will be removed after the show. Normally, I make sleeves that match the backing of the quilt, but I have found that rarely do I hang any of my large quilts in my temporary is the way I decided to go this time around.
For the first time, I have tried the June Taylor iron on labels. Printed them up and ironed them onto the backs of the quilt, but still did a stitch around the outside just for extra measure.
Those quilts are now ready to go.
Also.....I got carried away and made another dumpling bag.
I couldn't resist. This fabric was purchased BEFORE I had even seen these little knitting bags. I just knew with all the knitting that I have been doing lately, that I would find some use for this cute "sheep wearing sweaters" fabric......which takes me to what is "on" the needles.
I say that I don't usually have more than one project going at once when it comes to knitting, but this sweater has been in the works for some time. I have been procrastinating on the sleeves for some reason.
It's so close to being done that I just have to get back to it.
Also, my sister-in-law and I are doing another shawl pattern together called Doo Wop. I started it when we went to Pittsburgh recently.
There's no rush for this, but I do love working with this Shibui yarn. (the blue and white are Shibui).
Also, one of the kits that I picked up in Pittsburgh which I thought would be easy and mindless got started with the intent of working on it while I sat in the waiting room while my husband had some tests.
I cast it on and before I knew it, one skein (doubled up with another yarn) was used up.
Oh heck..... .this was so easy and the yarn was so luscious to work on, I ended up finishing it long before I had to sit at the hospital.
It's double thickness, so soft and so very warm.
Fortunately, (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) it's still freezing here in Michigan, so maybe I will get to wear it a time or two before Spring arrives....that is if it ever does.
So, that's it. It's a good thing I had been planning my projects for the quilt retreat weeks ago or I would really be pressed for time.