My mom has been in in-home hospice since October 15, 2015, bedridden and being taken care of by myself, my sister, my dad, Visiting Angels and Hospice. She has been amazingly strong throughout all this time when we thought she wouldn't be here weeks ago. It's been quite a struggle with schedules and all the care that we never thought we would have to give, but you do what you have to do when you love someone.
Unfortunately, my dad suddenly was taken from us. A total shock to all of us. So unexpected. He left us on Christmas Eve (12-24-15).
He will be so missed.
I guess after 68 years of marriage and upon seeing the flowers we brought to my mom from dad's funeral made her realize she didn't want to live any longer without him.
So on New Year's Eve (12-31-15), my mom decided to go home and be with my dad.
It's been a very difficult holiday season for us, but we know that they are both in a better place....whole, healthy and happy...
and together.