Showing posts with label Wool; quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wool; quilting. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2017

Checking off some projects......

There's that LIST.  The one I started at the end of 2012 when I gutted my sewing room and figured I would document all the unfinished projects that were in there.  Little by little some of those things are getting checked off.  Of course there are always new things being added to the list.  It's like one step forward and two steps back.

I am going to be bold and show you my personal list (ugh!)  Don't judge me please.

Modern vase quilt (wallhanging-Alex Anderson)
Blue/green charity quilt (backing and binding are made) (October 2014)
Home Sweet Home (backing and binding are made)
Blue Houndstooth baby quilt (backing and binding are made) October 2013
Charcoal Houndstooth baby quilt (backing and binding are made) October 2013
Life Cycle baby quilt  October 2013
Fancy That quilt (gray and yellow) November 2013
Wedding quilt, string, orange and gray December 2013
Swoon (binding is made)                                                                                                                    
Single Swoon block for NICU quilt (backing is made) (quilted, binding made, bound 5-16)
Sunwashed (backing and binding are made) quilted and completed 8-15
Eve’s wallhanging 6-14
Navy/cream Sawtooth(?) quilted/binding April 2015, sleeve/label May 2015
Snowflakes from Heaven (wallhanging) (quilted 3- 2015; binding 4-2015;sleeve/label 5-2015
Celtic Knot –burgundy/pink/black wallhanging /
Black/White w/red “Chinese Coins” quilt (95.5 x 102) (quilted 12-14) (bound 1-15)
Double wedding ring (4 rings only- table topper to be hand quilted.
Valentine doily quilt (backing made)
Black/white w/yellow borders (64x68)
Turning Twenty Christmas Charity quilt (77 sq) (binding made)(quilted 1-9-14; bound 1-11-14)
Purple flannel chevron baby quilt for Ella (quilted 1-20-14) (bound 1-26-14)
Trips Around the World/Hawaiian quilt started in January, top done in April, bound 6-14
Monica’s chevron baby quilt (April 2014)
ABC’s quilt –( June 2014)
Triangle (orphan blocks) baby quilt (quilted  and bound Oct 2014)
Quilts of Valor quilt (November 2014)
Pastel baby panel with added borders w/yellow minkee backing (Nov 2014)
Baby block panel w/white minkee backing – December 2014
Christmas star blocks (17 – 12 ½”) (made alternating blocks, top pieced 1-15) quilted  & bound 8/16
Jelly Roll quilt (top made 1-15) (quilted 2-1-15, bound 2-7-15)
Habitat (brown/blue quilt) pieced and quilted, completed 4-15
Merry and Bright (pieced 3-15) (quilted, bound and attached sleeve  8-16)
9-patch Robyn Pandolph exchange blocks (133+  - 6 ½”)(alternating blocks cut  5-15; top together 6-15); quilted and bound 7-15
Chain Reaction, green baby quilt 6-15
Babes in Farmland quilt, quilted  and bound 6-15 SOLD
Babes in Farmland II quilt top made and quilted, bound 9-15
Thimbles (hand pieced) Rows done 2006 (Rows are together 2-15) top/backing complete 7-15 Bound 11-15
Quilted a charity quilt for guild and put the binding on it  10-15
New binding on double wedding ring quilt for mom/dad
Lil twister pumpkin top (2-7-16; quilted 4-17-16; binding and sleeve 4/19/16 )
Navajo/retro baby quilt for Katrina (6/16)
Carolyn’s baby quilt, purple/teal stars on gray (7/16)
Plus quilt made 2016-taupes; binding  started 12/15/16, finished 12/16
Janelle’s Christmas tree skirt (started & finished 12/16)
Gathering Baskets needs quilting and binding
 Garden Chevrons quilt (blocks  5/2016,top is pieced,)quilted and bound 2/17
Diamond Detour (blocks made and half put together 2016)(top  & backing done 2/2017)
Turning 20 Christmas blocks (50 – 9 ½”)  (blocks laid out) April 28, 2013
Scrappy Star blocks (110– 5”) blocks made 10-15 (top together &quilted  & bound 2-17)
Red/gold/navy scrappy 1600 jelly roll quilt (3-17)(more gold) quilted bound 3-17
Red/gold/navy scrappy 1600 jelly roll quilt (3-17)(more red) quilted/ bound  3-17

First Saturday Basket blocks (12 – 12 ½” )
Embroidered star blocks (12 – 12 ½”)
Red star birthday blocks (19 – 12  ½”)
Dear Jane (47/225 )
Hearts and Hands (64/117 blocks)
Winter Botanical
Karen Stone New York Beauty (brights and batiks)
Thimbleberries quilt
First ever blocks
Add borders to blue/yellow quilt (blocks were won at retreat, center is together)
Halloween Cats 14 /13

Gwen Marston – liberated quilting in solids (started)
Rainbow Trail Vest (have cherry wood fabric for this…not sure I want it anymore)
Hankie quilt (with mom and MIL’s hankies)
Adult’s Swing Jacket
Child’s swing jacket
Add handle to origami purse (1-14)
Color Me quilt
BOM seasonal calendar (in progress) 4 +1 made not making more
Gathering Baskets (baskets made and center pieced) top completed 8-1-15; backing made
Yellow basket quilt
Wool kit for round table topper (trees)
Wool table topper pattern (houses)
Baby Flannel quilt w/ contemporary flowers
Three wool Christmas stockings
Two minky hankie blankies
Minkee elephant baby blanket – November 2014
Pink giraffe minky baby blanket 6-15
Wool “wee ones”  Christmas tree (cut out 12/16)  (finished 3/17)
Wool w/picture frame (tree, snowman, stocking) (cut out 12/16)

Tabulations Jacket (almost done)
Wool jacket with appliqué (almost done)
Make lining and pockets for felted purse  2-13
Make hand dyed, striped bag handles made

Drapes, ivory  made 3/17
Valance for bathroom (have fabric and lining)
Repair my mother’s antique orange quilt (have fabric for borders that are tattered)
Repair son’s childhood train quilt (all it needs is the binding sewn down)
Put label on son’s quilt from his grandmother.
Put label on daughter’s quilt from grandmother 2-13
Put label on daughter’s quilt from grandmother 2-13
Cover signatures on son’s first wedding quilt. 52 siggys and label May 2016
Make Christmas stocking with crochet cuff. Stocking is made, just need to crochet cuff. 1-15
Make upholstery pillow (black)
Make two red pillows for couch (one block is already quilted)
Mend hole in Double Irish Chain  12-31-12
Embroider slip for christening gowns
Roman shades for Marisa (2) October 2013
Cupcake pillowcase (November 2014)
Teddy bear pillowcase (November 2014
Two sock monkeys (November 2014)
Small pop-up (April 2016)
Bound Heather’s wallhanging 2-17
Mend mother’s double wedding ring quilt (2nd one) (new binding) 2-17
A set of pillow shams for guest bedroom 3/17

Each different colored highlight represents the year that I got them done.   So, I am thinking that little by little the list is looking a little better all the time.

Anyways....I continue to plug away.

This little Wee One's flag was bought in Houston  in November and then cut out before Christmas and there it sat (another UFO).  Since I needed some handwork for the evening, this one got done recently.  I have three more small wool projects that could be very doable and one of those was cut out the same time as this Wee One.  The other two, I don't even want to remember how old they are.
But, progress is progress.  If I could only limit those new things coming in  and then being added to the UFO list, my headway would be a lot better.  

Next is this little wool project.

So easy, so quick.  I wish the powers above could explain to me why these things become UFOs.

I still have to attach the project to the cardboard backing to the frame, but the majority of the work is done.    That makes two more projects checked off my list.

Then I had to get to a customer quilt.  I love this one; and it's BIG.


I can't even display it off the machine because the basement stanchions are in the way.

I used  the Prism panto on this 99 x 113" triangle quilt.  I have a 12' Millennium and the backing for this quilt just fit.  There's no way I could have gotten a larger backing loaded onto the machine.  

Anyways, I love the fabrics Nancy chose.  What a great variety of black/white and purple fabrics.   The backing was a black/gray chambray.   It's been a pleasure working on this one.  

Here it is laid out on the floor.

Delivering this one Monday but hope to have something else on the machine by the weekend.  Maybe something I can check off that "list".  

Happy quilting!

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...