Showing posts with label Waco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waco. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thelma and Louise...Saga I

There were a few firsts for one or both of us the week we headed out to Texas.

First time my sister-in-law flew without her husband.

First time I have been to Texas.

First time either of us rented a car on our own (unfortunately it wasn't a Vette).

First time for me to go to the Houston Quilt Show.

First time for either of us to hail a taxi on our own.

Did we have a good time?  You bet!

What all did we do while we were in Texas?

When we flew into Houston, we picked up our car and headed to Waco first thing and our first stop was at Clint's (the woodworker for Chip and Joanna Gaines) shop called Harp Designs.


Here we got a little preview of some of the things that we see  on the Fixer Upper show.

There were a few guys in the back yard running their power tools on various wood projects, but we couldn't see who.  

Next morning we headed on over to Magnolia.  What a beautiful day we had.  

This is what we saw from the parking lot.

Below those two silos was the bandstand where they hold their concerts and the lawn in front of it during the day was a great place for kids to play.  

Heading into Magnolia, this is what you see.

(That's the cupcake bakery on the right)

Love the landscape.  

We were so lucky that there weren't lines waiting to get in, although once in, it did get pretty crowded.

Out back there is this adorable little garden center with a shop.

They, also, had a covered area out back that had picnic tables full of things to buy that were all marked down 40%.  We did make a small dent in that area.  

Who can forget about the cupcake bakery?

Oh my!  They are WONDERFUL!!!

We brought some back to the hotel.....cupcakes and cookies (oh the cookies).

(lemon/lavender and strawberry)

After our busy shopping day, we headed back to Houston.  It was a long couple of days once we got ourselves ready to step on a plane and head out to Texas.  We got some rest that night and the next morning we headed on over to the Houston Quilt Festival.  So stay tuned for Thelma and Louise's Saga II where I will tell you all about our take on this HUGE show,

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...