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Showing posts with label T. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Couple of finishes going on here.

I have an over scheduled week coming up so when a customer quilt came in from California, I decided to pull the quilt off the long arm that was waiting for custom work (which would have taken me a little bit of time) and get hers done and back in the mail in a timely manner. 

So here's Sheila's plus quilt in what I call Bohemian pink and antique gold.

Got it quilted.

She requested that I do a meander on this one.  I knew I could get this one done real quick.  I used a dusty pink thread.  It's blends well, doesn't detract from the quilt, but still adds a little spark when looking closely.

Here's the backing.

Some little baby girl is going to love this quilt. 

I'll get this one boxed up and back to California before the end of the week.

Well, now I am on a roll.

Did I put the custom quilt back on?  No.....

But I did put the scrappy red/white/blue quilt on instead and thought I would do what I thought was an easy panto on it.....Waves.

Not so easy actually when it comes to hand guided.

Being a perfectionist, I found it hard to keep a steady hand from one side of the quilt to the other without any stops.   From 20 ft. it doesn't look bad.

I was home alone last night so I worked on this until 10 p.m. just to get it finished.

Then today I put the  binding on it and it immediately went into the wash to disguise some of the "not so perfect waves".

Well, wouldn't you know, the reds bled on me. So, this quilt got washed three times...once with a quilt soap, once with laundry detergent and once with just Synthrapol.  The last two loads had a color catcher in it.  At this point, I think I got all the excess red out of the white areas.

Then it went into the dryer and came out the lovely, crinkly look that I like about a well loved quilt.  

It's snowing outside again, so I think I will just wrap up in this one and relax for the rest of the evening.  

Happy quilting.

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...