Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A little home DIY project

Back when we redid our kitchen which was last year (?) or was it two Augusts ago (?).  Oh gees.  I had to look it up and it was in August of 2018!!!!    Time really does fly by.  Anyways, in doing our kitchen, you couldn't do the floors without including the hallway, the pantry, the laundry room and the small bath.  So, a lot more got done than was planned.

We finished the kitchen 100% and all the other rooms just needed paint pretty much; but I really wanted to do one wall in the small bath in shiplap.  Well, during quarantine  it seemed like a good time to get it done.

We bought ourselves eight  8" x 10 ft boards and I got them primed with Kilz.

While I was waiting for that to dry, I put a coat of paint on the wall that we were going to cover.

I wanted to make sure none of the taupe paint showed through the spaces between the boards.

Then there is a coat of Magnolia paint by Kilz in the Shiplap colorway. 

Did some leveling for the first boards and starting from the top down, I got DH to start nailing the boards up.   I think I surprised DH when I found all the studs first time out, too.  

Using nickels inbetween the boards for spacing, the rest of the boards went up easily.  

Then I taped the edges of the walls and the ceiling because rather than trim out the edges, I caulked.  The tape protected my previous paint jobs.

After the tape was removed.

The caulking went much smoother than I expected and the taping really helped.   Then I used drywall mud to fill in all the nail holes and did a little touch up paint.  

Before I could call my bathroom complete, I waited for a sign to come in that I ordered from 

What with the sloooow postal service we are all enduring right now because of social distancing, I had to wait nearly three weeks.  Anyways, my sign arrived and we got it up on the wall and I love it.  

I looked for a long time for something appropriate for a bathroom.  I, also, didn't want  something that may have been funny but was somewhat offensive.  I have to say that I am really happy with this one and QueenB's owner, Emily, does quality work.

One more project finished during quarantine.  Sure hope I don't run out of projects to do.  Then again, that might not be a bad thing either.  

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...