Showing posts with label Beyond the cherry Trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beyond the cherry Trees. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012


Went into the sewing room just to glue baste my leaves onto my second (right side) border for BTCT quilt. 

Then I was interrupted by the mailman who brought me this.

It's a bumper sticker that I won because I became a "fan" on Facebook for the group called "The Faces of Kawasaki Disease". 

I haven't talked about this, but my grandson was diagnosed with this just a few weeks ago.  He is just 5.  We won't know how he has been affected by this disease until the 28th of this month when he goes through a whole battery of tests  to see if there is any damage to his heart.  This is a very rare disease and there isn't a whole lot known about it, so they have put it into the "auto immune disease" category.   Anyway,  we have been on pins and needles for several weeks now and saying a lot of prayers. If you are interested in finding out more about this disease, check it out on Facebook or just Google "Kawasaki Disease". 

Well, back to the sewing room......I started thinking of how short life is so I  thought I would get some of  my small quilts organized and send them off to the quilter.  I was going to do them, but obviously, they are not getting done and a couple of them are over two years old.   So, I have been finding backings and piecing batting scraps together and have four of them ready for the quilter.

This is a Schnibbles quilt and it is lying on its backing.

I have two turkeys.

This baby quilt is going.

Love the backing for this one.

But now this one which is just a bunch of left over blocks (hst) from my Crows in the Corner still needs borders and I can't remember what I had bought for it (doesn't pay to clean up your sewing room and organize your fabrics).  So I am interviewing several different fabrics here.

Any opinions?

Ok....I need to get back in there and straighten up the mess that I just made. 

Happy quilting!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

No good excuses....

Way too much time has passed since I have last posted; and I really have no good excuse except....Life.
It's been a busy last couple of months.  I can't remember being this busy in such a long time. 

The first thing I have to show is block #22 Cherry Tree

I am still behind two blocks and one border.

I got caught up on my September birthday block exchange; and both of these stars were sent out.  One of them is still in the mail making its way to Canada....truly snail mail. 

 Mary's purple/sage

Wendy's blue/yellow

Then I thought I would get ahead a little and make my October block. 

Cat's teal block

I think there are only two more blocks and I will be done for the year commitment. 

I have purchased some yarn recently and have two projects that I  intend to do, but I will save that for another post....and that post will be much sooner than this one was. 

Have a great day and take a stitch or two for your peace of mind. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Another Beyond the Cherry Trees block completed.

This is #20 in the BOM series.  To get caught up I have #21, #22, and #23 to get done and then from what I understand, one of the border patterns is going to be offered next month.  There are a lot of cherries in the borders, so I really want to keep up with that so I don't burn out on putting the borders together. 

So, on to the next block

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not as liberated as I thought I was.....

I finally found the time to finish up my liberated baskets quilt.

I thought this would take no time at all to put on the  1.5" stripe border and then my 6" red border, but when I started taking quilt was not square!  Argh!!!  I hate problems.  I couldn't just trim, but had to add fabric because I was WAY OFF.  "sigh".   So much for being liberated.  I need a pattern AND I need to work in my own environment, not on a 6' table amongst chaos at a retreat and trying to hang my stuff up on a loosely hung piece of batting on a wall. I squared up all my blocks, but I think trying to hang them up and make them fit just didn't work for me.  But.....the borders are now on and don't look too bad.  The quilt isn't perfect, but it is ready for the quilter and I think next time (if there is a next time), I will make blocks in a uniform size. 

Also, started prepping for block #13 of the Cherry Trees.  I have made my master sheet.

...and marked my background to get a general idea where my applique pieces will go. 

I will be stitching tomorrow. 

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...