Soooo, if this is what you look like tomorrow morning........Yeah!!!! I'm so glad you had fun!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year to All
Soooo, if this is what you look like tomorrow morning........Yeah!!!! I'm so glad you had fun!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I had good intentions...
If your house is like mine, you tend to tuck things away, out of sight, for the holidays. When I dug out the burlap, I had forgotten how BIG this rug was. Its huge and it seemed to take up half the room. Soooooo, I stuffed it back behind the sofa until the New Year. I have been busying myself with knitting while I'm idle. So I'm still being crafty, just not hooking. After Friday when I take down the tree and but the decorations away, I'll drag Monthly out again.
AND, on the advice of my blogger friends Sally, Anne and Jan I decided to forget the stupid idea to stop eating all the goodies. I'll re-visit that idea after Friday too!
We awoke this morning to a nasty blast of winter. It was pretty.......for about 10 seconds and then I groaned. I hate winter weather and it is still snowy and blowing and the temp is dropping fast! Time to put the fireplace on and grab the knitting needles for a cozy night in.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Make me stop......
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Post Christmas Purge
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Eve
Now its time to put a gigantic turkey in the oven for tomorrow's dinner. This evening the family will head out to the Candlelight service at our Church. Numerous friends and relatives will then follow us home for a little socializing. This will be the first year that Auntie Vi will not be here. She passed away quietly 2 weeks ago at the age of 92.
To all my friends, far and near, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sound the trumpets.....The tree is decorated!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Snowmen, Bare Trees and Naked Santa's - Oh My!!
Now about the bare tree. Tonight I finally got my tree and it is quite nice (if I do say so myself). But its wet so it is going have to stand bare for a day or so before I can get to the decorating. I am terribly fussy about my tree and I know I drive the guys NUTS at the tree lots. After awhile of rejecting everything they showed me I pointed to this one - "This is my tree". One tiny problem.....
Now - about that Naked Santa. Here he is.........
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I think I finally found the Christmas spirit
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Waiting for the Weekend
I want to start making (or trying to make) one of the hooked snow people. I nagged Corinne (Momz Wool) to hit the dye pots for some pale shades to add some flavor to these little guys. (I'm not sure - but she may be getting fed up with my wierd shade requests!) LOL Not really - but she does laugh at me alot! I often point to strange things in her house or my office and say - "Look - make me THAT color" . Oooh I just re-read that - I don't mean that she has strange things in her house! hehehe
Anyway I need to make some notes for my meeting tomorrow where I am going to try and talk the BIG Boss into a new program idea. Wish me luck and lets hope nobody gets into his office before me with bad news.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A simple note
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Angel Rug
I think I might try one of the Snow Folks at Fish Eye Rugs for my next project. If it works out, that will be another present done.
Ooooh Noooo, IT'S Here
This is the sad view I had this morning from the back door. SNOW - and the wet messy kind too!
Oh well, it was inevitable. Little Millie was not pleased either. She doesn't like to get her feet wet! (pathetic - I know)
A good day for hooking. I have the angel almost all whipped. I'll have her finished today. Stay tuned. I will post her later.
Now I have to go dig around and find my snow brush for the car.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Meet my new blogging buddy
Monday, November 30, 2009
Raisin Pudding Cake Recipe
1 cup flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cream of tarter
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Combine and pour into a greased pan.
3/4 cup brown sugar (lightly packed)
1 tbsp butter
1 1/2 cup boiling water.
Pour over top of batter and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
A precautionary warning.........I recommend you let it set for awhile before serving as it takes awhile for the liquid to thicken. I was over anxious last night and scooped out a bowlful and it was too wet. Later that evening it had thickened up and was much better. In fact, it was best today - about 30 seconds in the microwave. Yumm
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A day of almosts
Friday, November 27, 2009
A little loopy from paint fumes or Handyman Saga Part 2
......I bet you see where this is going! Soooooo Thursday passes and so does the next one. BUT he did show up today at lunchtime. Woohoo Sound the Trumpets! He managed to finish all 4 rooms upstairs and the hallways up and down. And then he left. Promising to return tomorrow morning at 9am to finish downstairs. HAHAHAHAHA.
Luckily he has a good nature and sense of humor. As I was tormenting him about how I wasn't going to hold my breathe in the morning waiting, he quickly reminded me that it was him who moved my internet line a few months ago and he knew exactly where in the basement to pull the line! Hahaha OK one for Clayton that time!!
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Skunk Attack!!
GREY ROOTS !!!! Arrrgh, that sneaky bugger. You panic and try speed dialing your hairdresser, hoping that the Hairline Skunk hasn't been on a spree so you can get a quick appointment!
And good friends come in handy. A few months ago, after a previous attack, I was sitting in Corinne's office at work when she quietly said " Ummm, I think its time for a color." LOL I love it. Everybody needs a trusted friend who can tell you the truth. Whether its - "You need a color" or "Your butt looks huge in those pants!"
So Corinne, if you are reading this I just got back from the hairdresser.....I saw you looking at the top of my head today! Hehehehe
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fa Lalala La La La
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another great day
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Angel Rug Border
Sunday, November 15, 2009
With Wings, She Soars
I stopped in to Corinne's office on Friday to let her know I would be needing some more of the background wool. I wish you could have seen the look of panic on her face. I could see her mind racing to remember of she still had the formula for that piece. Hehehehe I shouldn't laugh but it was pretty funny. I brought in a piece of the original that I hadn't cut up yet. As soon as she saw it I could see the relief wash over her!
So, like an angel herself, she hit the dye pots on Saturday and sent me a text after supper that she had it ready. I think I arrived at her door in less than 10 minutes! The wool wasn't even dry yet!! I took both pieces - you know - just in case. (any excuse) None of these pieces have stayed in the shop long enough for her Mother to even see them. So I posted the photo below so Nancy could see what it looks like. But - the photos don't really give an accurate image. The actual wool is much darker in tone. Lots of navy and deep burgundy with some dark greenish tones.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Primitive Angel started
Hopefully I will get lots more done this weekend. I had a day off yesturday, but instead of hooking, I went Christmas shopping with Dear Auntie. Mom was at her day group so we had a bit of freedom. I'm amazed how much we accomplished in 5 hours. Lots of names crossed off our lists and we managed to find some things for each other too.
It was a good week!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Purse Construction - Part 2
Anyway back to the purse.
The only thing left to do is pick out a handle. I am now debating which of my brown purses to sacrifice. This weekend I will pick one and cut off its handles. Its OK - I have lots. I'm a purse-a-holic too!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Finally warm and toasty, but what's the deal with "Handyman Time"?
However, back to the 2nd part of this posts title - WHAT THE HECK IS THE DEAL WITH HANDYMEN AND TIME?????
I'm sure you all must have noticed this. None of them seem to have any normal concept of time. They appear to have some kind of secret society time keeping system. Let me explain......when the average person says "I'll be there in an hour" that usually means 60 minutes - give or take a few. (Unless you are me, and I will be there 10 minutes early!) BUT if you have the title Handyman behind your name, this phrase can mean anything from several hours to several days!!!! Frustrating.
I guess its the downside of being a single girl - you need to depend on a handyman. My guy dropped off the giant fireplace box in the front hall on Saturday and looking me square-in-the-eye and said........"I'll be back first thing Sunday morning." YEAH, Right!!!
And me, the eternal optimist, got up early and waited. And waited. And waited. The morning came and went and then half the afternoon. He drove in the yard at 3:00pm. He walked in with a little grin and handed me a cappuchino. OK - that warmed me up a little.
It didn't take us long once I got him moving. As he was leaving he was humming "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire". I busted out laughing and told him if he hadn't shown up it would be HIS chestnuts roasting!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Three Cheers for the weekend!
Ahhhhhh, but now its the weekend. YIPPEE.....................
I do promise to get back to showing the final finishing of the purse before the weekend is over. I sent the lining to my neighbor to sew up by machine and she hasn't brought it back yet.
But I did start my Angel rug last night. Ooooooh, she is going to be so pretty. And I just came back from the store and I bought an electric fireplace for the living room. It might even get delivered this weekend. COZY!!!
I did happen to notice some "white crap" in the air while I was driving home. (Yes, I am referring to snowflakes - and obviously I am not a big fan!) I better not wake up to a white outdoor carpet tomorrow morning!!!!!!
Time to hook my beautiful Angel girl. I hope you all have a great, relaxing weekend too!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Purse construction - Part 1
Then sew each of the darts closed, pulling very tightly and then pin the two pieces together to ensure the patterns match on both sides.
I did intend to begin sewing the pieces together last night but Miss Millie had other plans. Since I was away over-night she was VERY demanding of my attention. The little paw kept creeping over and scratching at the purse. Then when that didn't work, she proceeded to try and push it out of my hands with her nose.
Awwww, how could I resist? So I put my work away and gave the princess the attention she was so needy for.
On my lunch hour today I bought the fabric for the lining and some wool yarn for the whipping at the top edge. Tonights plan is to finish sewing the sides and maybe whip the top.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
On the road again!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hookers Who Care
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wild weather means lots of hooking
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Millie's new friend
Aren't new friends fun!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm bone tired!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Purse Progress Report
My mother's oldest friend was over Friday to pick her up for a little outing. They go out once a week for an ice cream sundae. Of all the things my Mom has forgotten - she still remembers ice cream. She is almost single-minded in its regard! Alice noticed the purse on the frame and RAVED about it. She was the recipient of one of my first rugs. So...........the little light came on in my head - Christmas present!
I guess now I will have to be extra careful with the finishing job!
Friday, October 16, 2009
I've been keeping a secret!
I am sore as heck, but it will be worth it in the end. I might even lose a few pounds since all I've eaten for a few days is pudding, apple sauce and cream of wheat. Tonight I was so hungry I popped an extra Advil and had some french fries with gravy. Semi-solid food - big step!
It wasn't as bad as I was led to believe. A few people gave me horror stories before but luckily it wasn't like that for me. There was a few minutes in the dental chair where I thought I might be auditioning for "Silence of the Lambs". They need to keep your teeth dry for the glue to adhere so they put these cheek spreaders in your mouth and in the middle is this plastic basket -----this is where you stick your tongue to keep it out of the way. Yes, it is a basket. And all I could think of was that thing over Hannibel Lecters face in the movie. I was trying so hard not to laugh, because I thought I might choke to death! Seriously, if he had looked down and called me "Clarisse" I was outta that chair! LOL
So this year, finally, the Halloween candy is safe. I can't eat any of it. Hmmm, I didn't really think this through, did I??
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Big Fun at the Hook-In
Special thanks to Jennifer and her Mom who helped out today too. It was a great day and the time flew by. I'm registering again next year - for sure.