Friday, August 6, 2010

Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is only .08% Christian! The population majority is Buddhist, since “To be Thai is to be Buddhist.” Muslims and atheist were also encountered on the trip. With such few Christians, there is much work to be done in Chiang Mai!

Eric and I spent July 7-26 in Thailand with five of our KFBC college students. Our KFBC team of seven joined up with Truett McConnell College and Southwestern Seminary, forming a group of around sixty people. Due to extensive travel time, we only had 2½ weeks in Thailand. The first several days were spent immersed in Thai culture and learning our way around the city so that we would know how to best reach out to the people. The first full week was spent focusing on Buddhism and Buddhist evangelism. The mornings were spent in a class learning about Buddhism, and the afternoons and evenings were spent out in the community building relationships with people in efforts to share Jesus with them. The second full week consisted of the same schedule, but with an emphasis on Islam and Islam evangelism. For both weeks, we engaged the culture and people by visiting universities, restaurants, local shops, malls, mosques, temples, and monk chat. At all these locations, the Lord opened doors for us to share the gospel with others. We also had the opportunity to work with children at a village church and at an orphanage.

1 comment:

Tara said...

What a trip! I've loved seeing the pictures and hearing about your time there. Praise God for how He moved!