Friday, November 12, 2010
Counting Down for Christmas!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Eric's Birthday
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Family Fun
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's Knight Time!
In addition to teaching, I just finished up coaching Cross Country. The team of both middle school and high school girls and guys had a great season! Student athletes were able to learn not only about running a Cross Country race, but also how to run life's race for Christ. An emphasis was also placed on the importance and difference it makes to keep one's eyes focused on Christ.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
They're Coming Back!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Chiang Mai - Orphanage
Friday, August 6, 2010
Chiang Mai - Monk Chat
Chiang Mai - Concert
Chiang Mai - Class
Chiang Mai - Church in the Village
Chiang Mai - Transportation
Riding in a Tuk Tuk - one of our main types of transportation. The Tuk Tuk reminded me of a wanna-be golf cart, but was driven like a motorcycle.
The Sung-tow was our other main type of transportation. It was a truck with two benches in the back. About 12 people could fit in a Sung-tow.
Chiang Mai
Eric and I spent July 7-26 in Thailand with five of our KFBC college students. Our KFBC team of seven joined up with Truett McConnell College and Southwestern Seminary, forming a group of around sixty people. Due to extensive travel time, we only had 2½ weeks in Thailand. The first several days were spent immersed in Thai culture and learning our way around the city so that we would know how to best reach out to the people. The first full week was spent focusing on Buddhism and Buddhist evangelism. The mornings were spent in a class learning about Buddhism, and the afternoons and evenings were spent out in the community building relationships with people in efforts to share Jesus with them. The second full week consisted of the same schedule, but with an emphasis on Islam and Islam evangelism. For both weeks, we engaged the culture and people by visiting universities, restaurants, local shops, malls, mosques, temples, and monk chat. At all these locations, the Lord opened doors for us to share the gospel with others. We also had the opportunity to work with children at a village church and at an orphanage.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Since February
What a busy year it has been so far! Here is a quick update, because if I don't give you a quick update now, you might not see one for a while. :)
Since February:
- Erin graded and graded and graded and graded and graded and graded research papers!
- We went on a quick Spring Break trip to FDR State Park to camp with family.
- We went to two Braves games (one with the college group and one with 75 people from our church).
- Had a huge July 3rd celebration at church like last year. Thousands of people were on our church campus . . . it was amazing! MANY of our college students came out to help, too, so that was incredible!
- Eric had his first college intern this summer!
- Our church is changing services: what was two worship services and one Sunday School hour will become two worship services and two Sunday School hours. Since Eric is also the Education Pastor, he has been very busy getting everything lined up for Aug. 1st when all this takes place. (more information located at
- We have had the opportunity to visit with family: granddad's house for Memorial Day, Eric's parents came to visit, Erin's parents came to visit, and Erin's siblings and niece and nephew came to visit.
- Went to a rock climbing gym with the college group.
- Our church staffed a community 5K. Eric and I were course marshals.
- Erin has a new job: moved from King's Academy to Dominion Christian School (the Lord really taught me many lessons during the transition). I will be coaching Cross Country and teaching three classes. (Check it out:
- We have been preparing for a mission trip to Thailand. We will accompany five of our college students but meet up with some other groups while there. In two weeks God provided the money needed for the trip. The weeks to follow brought spending money and money needed for supplies. AMAZING! Eric and I have really seen God at work as our Provider!
- Had the opportunity to talk to our Christmas girls on skype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Erin took care of a baby for a week.
- Had the recent opportunity to hang out with friends.
Obviously, most of our activities have been with church. God has been doing so much at KFBC, and we are so thankful, honored, and humbled to be a part of it all. Check out our new college website. One of the college students made the logo and another college student set up the web page. ( Go to the ministries tab and select college and career.)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm so thankful that Jesus Christ demonstrated the greatest example of love! He gave up His life for us. Mankind is sinful and in need of a Savior . . . Jesus is that Savior! Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, our sin debt has once and for all been paid in full! That is love!!!!!!!!!!! This love is for you to partake of. Recognize that you do wrong things and that your punishment for sin is death. Know that Christ took your place on the cross. Christ, who knew no sin, became sin for us. Three days later Christ rose from the dead. Christ conquered death, which allows those who surrender their lives to Christ to spend eternity in heaven with Him! I chose to turn my life over to Christ as a little girl, and I am so thankful! Jesus still continues to pour his grace upon grace all over me. Never have I known such unconditional love! Thank You, Jesus, for Your love!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Birthday Blessings
Eric's thoughtfulness did not end there. On my actual birthday, the birthday fairy came! I woke up to find the most special birthday card ever that was made by my husband. The card was accompanied by a prayer journal and Keith and Kristyn Getty's new cd. That was only the start to an amazing day!
Ever since I was in high school, it seems like something always came up on my birthday. I remember one birthday when I was snowed in with my youth group in a school gym. What a birthday! My second married birthday was spent cleaning out our apartment because we were switching seminary apartments . . . cleaning included slicing my finger open with a curtain rod! Most birthdays either Eric or I had to work. Last year at work I kept forgetting it was my birthday. This year I told Eric that all I wanted for my birthday was for him to be off work so he could spend the day with me. I do not work on Thursdays and Eric took the day off, so we had such a special time together. This was one of my favorite birthdays of all!
Eric and I picked up lunch and ate it in the car at the top of Kennesaw Mountain. This was our lunch view!
The day continued with the start to our new hobby: cycling! Eric and I plan on riding in a bike race in May. Riding bikes that day really reminded me how out of shape I am and that I have a lot of work to do!
Treats continued when Eric took me for a romantic birthday dinner.
A stop at Starbucks began our trip back home. Once at home, we chilled and played Sequence.
The entire day was so special and relaxing. Thanks, Handsome, for my birthday blessings!