Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Girl Update

Our Christmas girls have arrived!!!!!! The oldest girl immediately gave us a hug at the airport. We have had so much fun playing together, and they are both adjusting very well. Although shy around other people so far, they are both very talkative at home and in the car. :) Eric and I love waking up and hearing the pitter-patter of feet on the wood floors. Our "normal" routines are definitely out the window for now, but we are loving every minute of it. We have gone to have hair cut, gone to school, ran around the house chasing Eric, throwing the football, playing with dolls, coloring, playing the piano, and everything else all little girls love. Both girls are very big helpers. They clean up their toys at night and their dishes at meal times. We are enjoying teaching them about prayer. We pray before we eat and before we go to bed. Eric also reads a Bible story at night. It is so much fun to have some kiddos to tuck in at night. I was able to have my assistants at school administer my semester final exam so that I could stay home with the girls. They will go to school with me for a few hours Wednesday and then we will be out of school until January! Despite the language barrier, we are able to communicate very well . . . I guess you could say different languages is not a barrier! Thanks to all who have prayed for that. We are so thankful for the prayers and support. Hopefully pictures will come soon!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Count-down Begins!!!!!!!

The girls we will be hosting for Christmas arrive one week from today!!!!!!!!! We are SO excited (and a little nervous . . . no kids to a 7 and 10-yr. old!). Their room is now set up - I hope to post some pictures later this week. :) I have been busy trying to finalize my school work for the semester so I can just focus on the girls over the break . . . and just have a break. :) Thanks to those who have supported us through donations (toys/clothes/money) and through prayers! Here are some prayer requests for this adventure:

- pray that God will continue to prepare us for the girls and the girls for us
- pray that language barriers will be overcome easily so that we can effectively communicate with the girls (they do not speak English)
- pray that the girls will leave us with a clear understanding of Christ's love for them
- pray for the other 180+ orphans being hosted all across America and for their host families (safe travel, forever families found, understand the true meaning of Christmas, language barriers)

We will do our best to keep you posted!

For more information, visit newhorizonsforchildren.org.

If you have ideas of fun activities we can do with the girls during their visit (Dec. 13-Jan. 14), please post them by clicking "comments" at the end of this post! Eric and I would love to hear from you.