Saturday, September 27, 2008

Woven Blessings

What a busy past several weeks it has been, but blessings have still been woven in!

The biggest blessing of my life, besides coming to know Christ, was becoming Eric Miller's wife! My handsome husband grew older this month. He turned 29 on September 13th. We had so much fun spending time together. Eric wanted a low key, relaxing birthday, and that is how the day was. We woke up, opened presents, went to breakfast, went to pick out some shoes for Eric, went to lunch, watched football, went to dinner, came home and had cookie cake, and chilaxed some more. I also took Eric out for crab legs the night before. Here are some pictures from the special day.

(Eric's GA cookie cake)
(Eric sporting gifts from his mom: a new GA shirt and Gomer Pyle DVDs)
(The sunset from the parking lot at Moe's - yes, Eric wanted Moe's for dinner)

(Me with my handsome birthday boy)

Another September blessing from the Lord was beginning a new Bible study with the ladies at my church. It is an amazing study of the Psalms of Ascent, a challenge to step up with Christ and a reminder that the way up with God is down through humility. I've learned so much already. I can't wait to see what else the Lord has to teach me through this journey.

Baptism was another blessing of the month. Several of the youth that Eric and I work with were baptized at Falls Lake. I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in each of their lives. They are each so special and a joy to have as a part of our church. I'm so proud of them! Our pastor began the service with an explanation of baptism which included a Gospel presentation; this was really cool because there were several men fishing who heard it!




(The sunset during the baptismal service was absolutely beautiful - a reminder of God's presence.)

Eric and I received another blessing last night. We went on a date to see Fireproof and then went out to dinner. What a powerful movie! This movie is a must-see for everyone! It touched on so many aspects of life and spirituality. The movie spurned some great conversation for us at dinner. I really enjoyed spending quality time with Eric. Visit the website below to preview the movie and to find out more information.

Eric and I had a blessing of fun today as we tried what several of our friends have recently done: seeing what we would have looked like in past yearbooks. I hope you enjoy our pictures! Try it for yourself at

Although September has been busy and stressful, God has clearly woven many blessings into our lives: another birthday to celebrate, a date night to commemorate, a baptism to congratulate, a Bible study to educate, and silly pictures to replicate. We can't wait to see what the Lord will weave into our lives next!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to it!!!!!!!

It's that time of year again. Back to the busy life. I can definitely tell that work has started back for me: early mornings, eating on paper plates for dinner, grading papers, having lessons to plan, wearing suits, attending meetings, having sore feet, posting fewer blogs, and having less time. Now that I'm back at work it feels like I never left! The inside of my school building was renovated over the summer, so I couldn't set up my classroom early.I started out teaching Composition and a SAT prep class, but that changed the first week students were back. My schedule changed this week: 1st Period Planning, English III (American Lit.), Honors Composition, Lunch (at 12:35!), and Regular Composition. As you can imagine, the papers to read are already starting to come in! Although the school year started out kind of crazy, I do love working with high school students. I truly care about them and look forward to seeing them. I miss my lazy days of summer, but I love being back at my mission field of Franklinton High School. Here are some pictures of my classroom before I cleaned it up and after I cleaned it up (and before students came back and my desk got messy).

The Friday before school began I had a day of fun. Two years ago I taught an exchange student from Germany. She came back to visit this summer and invited me to come see her and her brother. A true treat! That evening Eric and I helped at the Family Fun Fair at our church. We had so much fun riding the little tractors and trying on a fireman suit!

Eric racing Jody

Now that I've been back at school I have a normal routine again. Eric and I have still been able to spend some time together, too. Last Friday Eric and I had the opportunity to visit with the Dew's and have time to chat and play a game. On Monday night we went to the Livingston's to watch the TN game. We are so thankful for the friendships God has blessed us with! Last night Eric and I went out to dinner and then went to BestBuy. We had so much fun! We played tennis on the Wii and played guitar hero for an hour!!!!!!! Free fun! Back to it again on Monday, though!

Last Sunday I had the absolute priviledge of sitting under Eric's preaching at Angier Avenue Baptist Church. Eric was filling in for his pastor friend that went out of town. The Lord used Eric there and really spoke through him. I am so proud of Eric's willingness to teach God's Word! I love him more and more each day!

We now have the opportunity again to serve at church through AWANA. Last year we worked with T&T (3rd-6th Grade) and this year I am working with Sparks (K-2nd Grade) and Eric is working with games (preschool through seniors in high school). It is truly a blessing and a refreshment to work with children on Wed. nights and help them hide God's Word in their hearts!

Continue to pray that the Lord will give us wisdom about the future and that in the present we will serve the Lord wholeheartedly right where we are!