Hello, Friends and Family!
What an eventful past several months! Here's the short version:
- Got back into our normal routine after the hosting girls left
- Began and completed our home study to adopt our hosting girls
- Stayed busy with church and work
- started singing in the church choir again
- Eric had trips for church
- Had medical visits for adoption
- Received our home study approval
- worked on adoption fundraising
- found out the girls no longer wanted to be adopted - back to square one
- big church event - launched a program to begin fundraising for upcoming church construction
- Eric had trips for church (conferences and a mission trip with our college students)
- Eric went to North Carolina for class
- got a dog (Frenchton - half boston terrier and half french bulldog - her name is Chara - Greek for joy - we pronounce her name "car-ah" or "car-uh")
- spring break - went camping with my family
- adjustments to the dog
- decision made to go back to Thailand for the month of July on a mission trip (God provided the money for the trip!)
- continuing to seek what we should do regarding adoption - looked into some different international and domestic agencies
- BUSY month at church - events every Saturday, but well worth the opportunity to reach out to the community
- renewed my teaching contract for next year!
- Eric had class in North Carolina
- continuing to stay busy with church and work
- getting used to having a dog around
- re-decorated the bedrooms in our house (no more girls room - part of the starting over process; new decorations in our room; moved decorations around in the rest of the house)
- got connected with the adoption agency we plan to use - hopefully we will be able to send our paperwork to the agency this week to begin the waiting process for a domestic infant (we are waiting on a home study addendum from our current case worker)
- getting ready to wrap up the school year . . . yea! summer break!
Want more adoption details and updates? Visit our adoption blog: