Showing posts with label atelier solarshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atelier solarshop. Show all posts

Jul 10, 2014

new in atelier solarshop

the webshop from atelier solarshop is updated again, my favorites are the silver cup, the wooden artist's case, this beautiful carpet, and ofcourse renilde's cushions (that are sold out already!). also for sale: the paper from the master students 2014 i made photos for. check it all here!

Feb 8, 2014


love my new plate from ryohei yoshiyuki!  it's for sale at atelier solarshop.
the tea was a present from a friend, it's totally blue in the beginning and changes color after a few minutes!

Feb 7, 2014

webshop update

new items on atelier solarshop's webshop! have a look!

Dec 11, 2013


 this friday (13/12) narelle and sigrid show their new collection 'bottled gardens' in atelier solarshop.
more info here.

Dec 9, 2013

x mas presents

another update on atelier solarshop's webshop. have a look! they have a very nice giftshop going on the whole month of december!

Nov 15, 2013

another update

with also lots of pretty clothes by jan jan van essche. check everything here!

Nov 2, 2013

new items

in our friends' lovely store. check atelier solarshop!

Sep 4, 2013

back open

atelier solarshop is back open after one month of holiday. make sure to check their updated webshop as well!

Jun 28, 2013

got some pretty flowers from a friend and started shopping for minnie, the cat.
8 baby pilea's for sale from tomorrow on in atelier solarshop. don't miss their big vintage day!

Jun 2, 2013

new things

beautiful new things on the webshop from atelier solarshop! have a look!

May 31, 2013

une nuit botanique

last night atelier solarshop looked beautiful with the planthangers from narelle and sigrid !
lovely night! more on this soon!

May 2, 2013

under the tree

love this book!!! it's for sale now at the updated webshop from atelier solarshop!
find out more about truck on their beautiful website.

Apr 17, 2013

a pretty webshop

our dear friends from atelier solarshop launched their webshop today, go and have a look!!!

Dec 21, 2012

a house

 had it for some years, but sold it now in the giftshop from atelier solarshop... there are still lots of nice other things to buy there, 1 more week!

Dec 5, 2012

socks and mittens

here they are! for sale from 12:00 today in atelier solarshop.
all info here.

2 great things about december

1. hanna konola's advent calendar is beautiful again, a drawing every day untill christmas.
2. atelier solarshop will be a giftshop for the whole month. otark will take care of nice food and we have some things there as well, like mittens and socks,  some photos later! check all info here.
loving charlotte's flyer sooooooo much!

Apr 5, 2012


they have a nice place. and they do nice projects. (next: babyboom!) the colors remind me of cookies and caramel, and that wooden 'thing' on the cupboard looks like a giant speculoos. mmm :)
they have great plants too! that hanging tree is ofcourse one of fedor's string plants.
more photos on the website.

Dec 15, 2011

more socks

we brought some extra socks and mittens to the solar giftshop this morning! (a lot more than on this photo). it's open still untill sunday from 11 'till 18:30h!

Dec 9, 2011

solar giftshop

the solargiftshop is open! you can still go tomorrow or sunday, and next week also from thursday till sunday. always from 11 till 18:30h. lots of pretty things! really like this blue wooden box from katharina trudzinski.

more photos at renilde's blog + atelier solarshop's blog.