Showing posts with label color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label color. Show all posts

Jun 3, 2017


box by katharina trudzinski
lila and her pippi longstocking game
💚 the sylvanian families
in j's garden.

happy weekend! 🌞

Jun 18, 2016

on my mind

this colorpalette.
first and last painting + portrait: francoise gilot. 3th one is a painting by matisse ofcourse and than some photos of their beautiful home.

May 24, 2016


sweet potato/lemon/pomme granate
'holy cats by andy warhol's mother' (best cat book ever- more later!)

Feb 4, 2016

yellow red and blue

sonia delaunay poster+ kid's art at ruth and roeland's
textiles and pekka
francoise gilot, picasso's muse

Nov 13, 2015

autumn colors.

Oct 23, 2015

autumn colors

a painting by jean brusselmans and 2 beautiful creatures: agnes on their couch, and a bird on their mantelpiece.

Sep 12, 2015


autumn is arriving, clearly...
some photos from the archive. that's minnie when she was still really tiny!

Sep 10, 2015

pink and blue are my favourite colors.

Aug 15, 2015


cute patch
beautiful blanket
painting by ruurd wiersma.

Mar 26, 2015

while spring cleaning i painted some tiny white spots on the blue walls again.  now it looks like this. mmm.   these days are rather gray, but good things are happening!

Jul 10, 2014

very pink

a mix of old and found pictures.  that's a page from olle eksell's book edward & the horse, one of my favorite books. a bear eraser, and my hair when i was 20 years old :)

Jul 3, 2014


some bright colors.  candles in renate's place, a hui-hui scarf and a still life with minnie

May 11, 2014


a start for the color palette for the curtains. a plate i got from sophie. and i finally found the right color blue for the walls in my working room.  it's from ijm, we had it in our pop-up store a few years ago. (here and here)