Hi Sweet Friends!
I hope your New Year is off to a great start~
My furry little friend has one of the coziest perches in the house!
How I love to gather and use vintage pincushions.
Especially tomato & strawberry pinkeeps.
Every sewing basket that I can remember (and there were a lot of them)
had a bright red tomato, with matching emery sand strawberry, tucked inside.
I would pull them out and straighten all of the pins~
Organize the straight pins by color, the needles by size.
Then I would dig to the basket bottom and find all of the buttons~
String them together with thread by size & type.
Gram, mom, neighbors & aunts were probably happy for a quiet minute!
This little Sparrow was a joy to design & punch~
It took me as long to add the mini pom pom trim and
flannel backing as it did to punch the entire piece!
I admire the talent and attention to detail that folks put into
finishing their works. I'm going to make a better effort to finish
each of my punch needle works a little differently.
I framed mine for years... dust free & protected from pets.
"Peppermint Stroll" copyright 2018
These snow friends are in the 2019 Christmas-Winter issue of
Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher Magazine
I added a little tutorial on how I achieve a plush and velvety texture by
punching with a longer loop and snip the very tips off.
I found the vintage trim for 'Peppermint Stroll' at a local thrift shop.
"Winter Perch" copyright 2019
Rug Hooking Magazine is celebrating their 30th year of publication!
I was honored when they asked me to share an
article and punch needle pattern~
Winter is so much warmer with these loud friends at the feeder!
Hope you're all staying cozy and that your hearts are happy~
Thank you for visiting, Friends