Showing posts with label skep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skep. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25

Watercolor paintings~

How I love to bring some of my little sketches to full color!

It was fun to dress some of them up in ornate frames~

Bee skep & daisies bordered by a beautiful rose motif~

 Bluebirds of happiness!
You just know they love Valentine's Day~

These busy little springtime chicks...
Their momma tucked them in the tulip row while she cleaned their nest!
All of these loves are punch needle patterns~ I just need to get them written!

I've been so happy this winter... no sign of field mice making their way indoors!
We patched their secret entry and they get to live on~
A colder than normal winter so I toss cracked corn around
the bottom of the feeders and near the hedgerows for them.

Sweet friends sharing some love!

Hope you're having a great week, Friends~

Friday, June 23

Pen & Ink Pincushions


Bees, feathered friends, harvest perches and patriotic themes~

If you remove the pins they are fun to hang on a cupboard pull~

Teddy bears love to hold hearts in their laps, too!

Chickadee and bee are discussing their sewing project~

This bee stopped by the firework daisy!

How I love bee skeps~
Hives of all shapes & sizes!

I love to draw bees in straight lines, too~
They are flying off to work together!

I bet these little friends sing, "Whistle while you work!"
They each have their yellow-topped pin...
They're off to help in the studio~

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Friends!

Saturday, April 22

Earth Day~ Bees

Earth Day!
We have a cool & damp day but we are planning the vegetable garden!
The bees will have more blossoms soon~

"Earth laughs in flowers" Ralph Waldo Emerson
The bees DANCE in the flowers~

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Friends!

Friday, April 21

Hooked rug progress~

Started my second hooked rug while waiting for Loves to arrive
home from college for Easter weekend~

Little by little when I can find an hour or two in the evenings~

Strong storms rolled in last night~
While the lightning was on display and the thunder was rocking,
I distracted my self with some flow blue loops!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Friends!

Tuesday, March 21

Punch needle bee hive~

'All-American Skep' Copyright  2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Happy Spring, Friends!
Our last storm left us with nearly three feet of snow~
A beautiful white blanket.
It is slowly melting... we are glad it is taking its time.
Quick melts cause dangerous flooding~
I think we are down to 12" over most of the lawn.
The drifts are still mighty!

We will soon enjoy a wispy blanket of white... Daisies!
Put down the shovel and pull up some weeds~

All-American Skep completes my bee hive collection!
For now.
I might add to them next Spring~
There are several more designs tucked away in my sketchbooks.

I will finish writing some smaller patterns this week.
A new botanical to add to that collection!

Hope your week is off to a great start, Friends!
The birds are chatting at the feeders,
"More suet, please! The Starlings have arrived!"

All the best to you~

Sunday, March 12

Punch Needle Garden Skeps~

No. 5 in my garden skep collection!
Only one more to go~

'Shabby Rose Garden Skep' No. 5 of 6
Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

The entire time I was punching this skep I was humming
'Who Will Buy' from Oliver!
They were 'sweet red roses' & these are salmon/pale pink.
The song is so pretty... Oliver's little face looking over the courtyard.

Inspired by the most beautiful salmon rosebush that my dad
had given my mom the summer before he lost his battle with cancer.
It always stayed petite...
Never went wild.
The most fragrant and perfectly shaped blossoms.
I often wonder if it is still in the hedgerow where she planted it.

One more pattern to write!
I already have the next collection started...
They will be smaller designs.
But fun!

Hope you have a wonderful week, Friends!
Praying all stay safe as the East is expecting a nor'easter...
March does know how to stir up storms!

Wednesday, March 1

Bee Skep Collection

'Lavender Blossom Skep' Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

No. 4 in my punch needle skep collection!
The bees look as if they are taking shelter from the sun or rain
'neath the lavender blossom!

Two more skep patterns to write~
Then I write more of the botanical patterns.

Some of the storms rolling in are severe~
Praying all stay safe.

Thank you for stopping by, Friends!

Sunday, February 26

Bee Loved Skep

"Bee Loved Skep" "Bee Skep in Blue & Yellow" and "Flow Blue Bee Skep"
Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Then there were three!
I enjoy punch needle... it's the pattern writing that takes me some time!
No matter how many notes I take I always forget to write down
one or two DMC numbers. Then the search is on.

Some deeper, richer, colors for this hive.
Their floss palette has so many gorgeous jewel tones!
I finally brought a few home~ they had been wiggling in the
display case for years, "Pick me! Choose me!"
I'm so glad I did...

The next pattern is more muted... shabby chic colors!

Hope you have a wonderful week, Sweet Friends!

Saturday, February 11

Flow blue and yellow bee skep~

These two colors are never far from my palette.
Regardless of what medium I am working in~
they are the perfect color pair to my heart!

The days are getting a bit brighter and longer~
The gardens are starting to call.
Researching seeds and designing a large fenced area for our pup!
I would love a wall filled with cavities for bee skeps~
That one might have to stay on my wish list!

Hope your Saturday is off to a great start, Friends!

Friday, February 10

Stand up for yourself~

There are times when we have to stand up for ourselves.
Take legal steps to protect what we have worked so hard for.
It isn't easy.

This little guy and his message were written on my heart today~
Let your faith be bigger than your fear.
Hebrews 13:6

Wishing your heart peace, Friends~

Thursday, February 2

Punch Needle Bee Skep Valentine

I think this will be the summer that I finally build a bee bole to house 
my two favorite bee skeps. They have been part of our home decor
for 12+ years because they are made of natural materials.
They would rot when exposed to our weather.
I couldn't bring myself to put the hives/skeps in the garden because
I felt the bees would make it their home and then as it wore down
they would be without shelter. 
I will find the perfect stones, study up on the weather side, air space needed etc.

These two bee Valentines are headed home for a nice bowl
of honey stew with a dash of daisy petals~
Home is where the heart his~

Hope you're having a great day, Friends!

Friday, February 13

"Flow Blue Skeps" punch needle

"Flow Blue Skeps"
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
Punch needle with my favorites!

I found this gorgeous embroidery floss...
The most beautiful blue~

Pencil sketch on weavers cloth~
This is how I started!

White & blue...
Be still my heart!

...and here comes butter yellow!

All the buzz... how I love bees & their homes!

This design is from one of my original watercolors~
I love them both!
Hope you do too~

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!