Showing posts with label rick rack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rick rack. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3

Rick Rack Vintage...

Hello, Sweet Friends!

Rick rack, no matter where I see it~
Makes me smile!
It gives these little rounds a creative kick!
I found these in a nearby antique shop...
The stitch work the woman put into each
one is truly amazing...

They're not Cinderella's mice...
They're Michelle's feathered pals!
Oh how fun to have little feathers flying all about
the studio... little chirps of delight!

We have cats...

So I draw them being playful~
Then list them in my Etsy store for you to enjoy!

Purple Coneflower grows very well in our gardens.
(even through the weeds at this point!)
Yellow Finch and Chickadees love to
perch, munch and rest...

Hope you're having a wonderful week!