Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts

Monday, May 27

Land That I Love~ Memorial Day

Honoring and remembering
soldiers and service members who
gave their life in service...
Memorial Day and every day.

'Land that I Love' is No. 3 in my Fraktur series~
Each rug measures 24" x 22"
Hooked with wool strips. I used #6, #7 & #8 wool cuts.
I am having such a fun time with this collection!
There is something about wool...
Warms ones soul~

No. 2 in my Fraktur series...
This design was inspired by walks along the Erie Canal Path...
Beautiful poison sumac blossoms with their long and draping leaves~
Green, deep sage with a hint of chartreuse... with a little wheat, gold, salmon..
They are fond of color changes!
Birds & chipmunks live along the pathway... waterfront real estate~
They must deposit sunflower seeds for snacks and 
then forget where they stashed them~
Every now and again a brilliant yellow sunny flower will peek up!

The illustrated collection is titled Frakturs & Flourishes.
Red Rooster Fabrics designed a fabric line from them.
I love putting down lines with my dip pens and homemade walnut ink.
Lines flow naturally, unevenly...
Curves and swirls fall into place as if they were following
the trail of a butterfly.
Tulips in Springtime and my mother loved bleeding hearts.
Purple crocus peeking through just as Robins are building their nests!
Earth day is in April... I thought the dome with the sun would
be a nice way to cover the birds just as treetops do.

Wool is a flourish of its own~
No extra effort needed!

Gold Star Families~ remembering you, too.
Peace and love~

Tuesday, March 6

Punch needle pattern~

"Feathered Folk" copyright 2018 Michelle L. Palmer
This little bird that my husband sketched brings a smile to my heart.
The little bit of folk that I can't seem to come up with on my own.
No matter how prim I tried to keep the colors~
They became Palmer-like! (giggle)

Wool hooked rug~ It looked plum at first... then rose... then...
Oh goodness, more and more girly.

This is my treasured sketch~ from years (and years) ago.

This is my fifth wool hooked project~
Love it more and more with every loop set.
I have joined our local Rug Hooking Guild... met the neatest gals!
I have signed up to participate in my first Hook In!

See... it did start off manly and prim-colored.
Then it became all Michelle-like!
Maybe I should have put bumble bees or stars
in the background instead of flowers! 

I know Feathered Folk will show up in more projects~
We'll get him to look more manly!

Hope March is off to a great start, Friends!
Thank you for stopping by~

Thursday, September 1

Hello, September punch needle designs!

'Jack O Lantern Hill" copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

No matter the shape of my fall pumpkin...
Tall and narrow,
Short and flat...
Smooth or bumpy...
No matter how much planning I did to carve a really neat face~
The eyes always ended up as triangles.
The nose was always long and narrow.
It always had a smile~

"Bushel and a Peck" copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

The orchards are full~
We have been very short on rain this summer. Drought conditions.
The limbs are heavy but holding onto all of that precious fruit!
Little road-trips in the country... smells so good!

Hope your September is filled with harvest goodies & creative projects!
Thank you for stopping by, Friends~

Wednesday, March 3

Here A Chick... There a Chick... Everywhere A...

These little Spring chicks are so much fun!

Here they sit...
On a platter... waiting for their dip in the stain
for that yummy aged look!

Pictures... buttons... feathers!
Our cats, all three, sitting behind me on the floor
hoping that a feather will fall!

Now they're all nesting in my Etsy shop!
~Please click here to visit~

There are so many more of these
sweet little illustrations
to share with you!

Thank you for all of your sweet comments~
I just love visiting each of you & your fantastic blogs!

Tuesday, March 2

Sketching Bunnies & Birds on Fabric...

My heart is set on spring!
We still have plenty of snow-filled days ahead...
...these just warm me up!

Just listed twelve new pieces & collections
on my Etsy shop...
Please click here to see my shop!

You knew there would be more birds!

Nests... bunnies... eggs... chicks...
I know it is spring somewhere!

Wrens have the most beautiful song!
Our wren house is ready for a new brood~
Once they have filled their tiny house
with twigs and heavy reed pieces,
they perch in the lilac trees and sing
us the most beautiful songs~

For now I have fun sketching from my journals.
Hope your week is going great!

Sunday, February 28

Original Sketches on Fabric...

When the cold winds blow...
Snow is measured in feet, not inches...
Walking in narrow paths, only to walk the pup...

I craft. I shovel. I craft.

These are original sketches on fabric!
I love flipping through my mounds of sketch diaries...
Finding sweet little images to share~

Each one unique... one of a kind... and for sale!
I'm listing all of these and more...
Please check out my etsy shop!

They come in little packages...

With ENDLESS possibilities!
Stitch n' sew...

Tack them up!
Glue 'em... decoupage them!

Tuck them here or there...

Some are listed as singles...
Others in themed collections!

A few of them even come with Moleskine journals!

I shared buttons with a few...
Feathers with others...

These are from my heart...

Different ideas I doodle... put in designs...

Some have been painted into full size
watercolor illustrations & licensed on cards etc.

Hope your day is filled with creative moments...
Even if the snow is stilllllll falling!