Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31

Last day of May~

Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend, Friends~
Always grateful to spend time with family and`
remember with respect, those who gave so much.

Lilacs have shared their scent... now the air is filled with honeysuckle!

~Solomon's Seal~
The gardens are filled with blossoms... and weeds.
I grab a handful of weeds every time I take our pup for a walk!
He grabs a mouthful of what I toss aside and shakes them.
He let's them know who's boss!

I have added my first rug hooking pattern to my Etsy shop!
'I Love You to the Moon and Back' is hand drawn on natural linen.

My edges are taped on this pattern~
Will sew them eventually.
Learning as I go!
I took care to keep the lines straight of the grain...
That was my goal for this pattern! 

I hope you have a great weekend, Friends~
Welcoming June with bouquets of Dame's Rocket!

Friday, May 25

Love you to the moon hooked rug

Love You to the Moon & Back copyright Michelle L. Palmer

From punch needle to wool hooked rug!
I'm not sure how many of my punch needle works will make their
way to being hooked rugs~ this one holds a special place in my heart.

The colors are soft and subtle.

The watercolor painting is part of my licensing portfolio~
I think it would make a fun garden flag!

As I began hooking the heart I realized the purples that I  had dyed
for the graphic steps were a bit too cool...
Sue at Liberty Cottage (Canandaigua, NY) had the perfect colors!

Little bird had a story to tell and it went well into the night~

Loop by loop~
Punch needle is my favorite hobby but I do love to hook wool, too!

Hope your Friday is off to a great start, Friends!
Safe travels as you journey this Memorial Day weekend~

Tuesday, April 17

Wool hooked moon~

'Love You to the Moon & Back' copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Inspired by my punch needle pattern~
Nice to relax in the evenings with some wool strips & these two!

Just finished a new watercolor collection being considered for fabric~
Working on the remaining designs for my 2020 calendar~
Catching up.
Catching up on fun projects and household chores
before the weather breaks and Spring arrives!
Then the garden will be demanding some love and attention~
How can anyone say no to the gardens?

Hope you're all staying safe through these fierce Spring storms~
Hope your week is filled with sunny, warmer days!

Friday, October 20

Harvest Moon~

'Harvest Moon' Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

We have been enjoying several weeks of mild weather.
Beautiful sunny days & clear starry nights...
Walking the pup without a flashlight when the night sky lights the way~

That is what inspired this friendly moon~
Walking past pumpkin fields as the sun is setting.
Harvest beauties silhouetted against the sherbet orange sky.

Moon shining down on roadside pumpkins for sale~

Hope your Autumn days are filled with beauty, Friends!

Wednesday, June 8

I love you to the moon and back~

copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

From one of my early watercolor paintings!
I have wonderful memories of walking in the dew covered grass
with my dad, starlight nights~ brilliant moon lighting our way.
My dad whistled all the time~

My dad passed from cancer when I was in 7th grade~
Only wonderful memories of him fill my heart.

I spent endless hours meandering through pastures, streams,
ponds, abandoned farmhouses... swamps and woods~
My favorite pastime.
When a bird came near I would talk to my dad.
Chickadees and Cardinals would wake me in the morning~
Redwing Blackbirds would perch on cattails when I was
slopping through mud and grass tufts.
Robins would hop along stone walls... knowing I would leave
some of the wild black caps for them!
Mud Swallows would swoop and dive at me while I was mowing.
Eating bugs or not.. they were very intimidating!
Eastern Bluebirds would perch on weathered fence posts...
their feathers, brilliant blue as the summer sky.
The electric red & orange plumage of Tanagers and Orioles
would take my breath away~ they were rare and prompted a pause.

Companions still today and always finding their way into my illustrations~

Took similar starry night walks with our children~
They're in their 20's now... I still pull them outside
when the moon is just so.

Wishing your heart the sweetest memories~