Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28

Vintage fabric & ink~

Found this small piece of fabric in a basket at an antique shop~
It is linen-like...
Cotton-like with a texture?
I don't know my fabrics, I just LOVE to draw on them!

Sepia ink on soft white~
Little faces very happy to have a sunny day!

The hum of bees in the gardens~
The most welcome sound!

I think of so many things when I'm heading to the garden!
New designs...
What's for dinner... laundry... dishes... dusting...
Calendar programs... fabric collections...
When I bend to pull some weeds~ those thoughts vanish. 
To touch the earth...
Face to face with flowers...
Bees swarming around my head...
I'm content.
My mind quiets~
My soul is fed.

Friends in nature~
Loved, treasured and nurtured!

Hope you have a few minutes to take a little walk today~

Thursday, February 13

Vintage linens & thank you~

The beauty of vintage linens~
They can be torn, tattered... stained... worn with love...
and STILL be gorgeous!

I find them in antique shops... thrift shops...
Sad to see mounds of yellowing history just sitting.
I bring them home, share a tubby with them & add one of my 
original pen & ink illustrations!

Made new again~

Don't chubby little cheeks make you smile?

These little prince & princesses are in my Etsy shop~
They remind me of Valentines!

Thank you for your friendship, support, encouragement and comments
to my previous post~ I responded below all of your notes.
Far too many of us deal with theft & infringement~
I'm so thankful we don't let them stop us!
They will eventually be stopped.

Praying all of you are safe through this very powerful storm!
Hope the ice melts soon~
Please be safe, Dear Friends!

Sunday, February 9

Needle Felted Elephants~

My name is Forest~
I love to romp through the forest... gathering toadstools & wild strawberries!

My name is Cherry!
I don't blush easily... I love to snack 'neath the sweet cherry trees~

My name is Sparrow~
I like to watch songbirds fly around... they have the sweetest voices!

Hello! I'm Melody!
I always have a song in my heart~

My name is Daisy!
I love to carry daisies in my trunk & bumble bees follow where I go~

I'm bashful... my name is Sky~
My wee little charm is a gold-tone star.
I love to gaze at the stars in the midnight sky!

My name is Honey!
I'm as sweet as honey~

Hope you have a wonderful week, Sweet Friends!

Tuesday, February 4

Me & my shadow...

My dad would sing this song to me...
I never left his side~

I try to recall these words MANY times throughout the day~

Valentine's Day is just around the corner~
Little loves sharing their heart!

I would sing 'puppy love' to my dear Lab~
Our home will have prancing paws again someday...
How I miss the joy that dogs share!

We have sunshine this morning~
It will be clouding over soon... a snow storm is moving in!
Please be safe, Sweet Friends~

Wednesday, January 29

Sweet Pachyderms come marching in....

Elephants have big hearts and tons of love to share~

They have big... tight-knit families~

They stay together...

They are gentle~ confident and calm...

Can you imagine the night sky where they roam?

"Cuddle in little friend & find rest in my care~"

Each little illustration has a story of its own...
These little friends have marched into my Etsy shop~
Sharing their hearts!

Hope your day is off to a great start!

Tuesday, December 10

Original watercolors to celebrate all of this snow!

This little bashful elephant would like to share a little sprig of mistletoe~

Little owl has his wings on his hips declaring, "I'm king of the mountain!"

On the most blustery days... brilliant red Cardinals show up at the feeders
appearing like a bright tail light!

Sweet, vintage tones on this meadow friend...

Meadow visits...

I think this little Cardinal is going to try for king of the mountain!
Look out, little owl!

Do hope you are safe and warm, Sweet Friends!