Summer is dashing right along~
Wish there was a way to slow it down!
Hubby loves red raspberries... we found a few baskets for him and
a basket of black berries!
We have been in a very rainy pattern~
Torrential rains.
The bees need raincoats!
Fun to find this field of black eyed susans along the
New York State Thruway~
The bees were dancing with delight at dusk!
My all-time favorite~ black caps!
Black raspberries are such a treat.
Remind me of my childhood. Riding along field edges in
the back of my dads old pickup truck.
Buckets, tin cans... bellies all filled up with sun-kissed, sweet berries!
I leave milkweed plants to grow in some areas of our gardens~
Pure joy to see monarch butterflies dotting the yard again!
I pluck the seed pods off so I am not overrun by plants...
Juicy snacks~ Plants have had plenty of rain!
Our home & my studio have been upside down most of July~
We are sorting, organizing and painting when we have
a few minutes away from work deadlines.
My plan is to have everything in its place by the
end of July~
August, September & October are my most favorite months of the year.
Hope you're having a great week, Friends!