Showing posts with label acorns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acorns. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28


"Acorn Perch" copyright Michelle L. Palmer
No. 4 of 6 Fraktur Rug Series

Thankful for you~
Wishing you and yours a beautiful
Thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, December 21

Antique and vintage linen treasures

 Winter whites warm my heart~
With some warmer days I started adding some forget me nots and hearts!

I know the winter winds will continue to bring storms and frigid temperatures~
For now we will enjoy a few warm moments & the whisper of Spring.

Hearts so tender~
I hope you have been enjoying this beautiful season!


This rooster piece became mixed in...
It was the perfect excuse to sketch a nesting hen!

It smells like forget me not weather~
I couldn't help but add a wreath of love!

Wishing you a joy-filled Holiday Season~
Praying that family and friends arrive safe and sound!
May wonderful new memories be written on your hearts~

Wednesday, October 12

Painted Acorn punch needle heart

I couldn't get through the harvest season without a few
punch needle hearts!

Once I close the windows and accept that our warm days have passed~
I completely enjoy Autumn.
The colors, the harvest~
Bringing some of those colors indoors to warm heart & home!

Wishing your hearts every sweet happiness!

Tuesday, September 13

Acorn Pincushions

These little buttons are perfect for the bittersweet themed pinkeep!
Pins with golden yellow & red heads...

Vegetable ivory buttons look like acorns...

This vintage gear button was perfect for my acorn wheel!

So much in life starts small... 
Hard work and determination~

I had a teacher who taught me to have strong foundations.
Build several sturdy legs to your table.
If one leg weakens~ the others will hold it up.
Then don't neglect the weak spot. Immediately work to restore strength.

I hope your week is off to a great start, Friends!
Stay strong & I hope you find a creative project, too~

Tuesday, July 19

Harvest Acorn Punch Needle

When a few cool days spill into summer heat... 
Acorns & harvest designs appear!
I am in no hurry for Fall (though it is my favorite season) as I
love to spend time in the gardens surrounded by the hum of bees and
visited by butterflies passing by.

A little bit of plum, mixed with just the right salmon...
Add a dash of gold & a pinch of rust!
My favorite recipe to cook up~

My husbands parents are furniture upholsters.
Retired now~ for 30+ years I was influenced by the historic and traditional
fabrics they brought to antique seating.
Flamestitch was always one of my favorites!
How it brought gentleman's chairs back to life~

Hope your week is off to a great start!

Monday, September 24

Pumpkins, crows & acorns...

I hope your week is off to a great start!
Sunday night football gave me plenty of time to play~

There's one in every pumpkin patch...

How many acorns are too many acorns to collect?
They really don't all look the same!

Stay cozy, Sweet Friends!

Sunday, September 2


Off to college... back to school & back to the studio!

Hubby keeps the same routine throughout the year~
His vacations from work are treasured times!

September brings routine back to our children and that means
I am less distracted by the pull to spend precious time with them~
Plop myself back in the studio for more daytime hours.

Daylight is changing... the plants are slowing down...
The studio is picking up!
Ooodles of interesting deadlines!

Like my bunny friend... I'll be a two-fisted illustrator for several weeks!

In the air...

On the ground...

Harvest time is near!

These treasures and more in my Etsy store later today~
Hope you're having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 1

Original Pencil Illustrations...

Wee little frames call to be filled with wee-little treasures!

Acorns, feathers... seashells...

I love when our feathered friends leave feathers at the feeder~
Their way of saying, "Thanks for the treats,  a little something for you!"
I gather them up & add them to my reference bins to sketch.

I LOVE giving these tiny treasures for gifts~
One friend keeps hers over her studio light switch...
Another has a wee bird on her office cubby wall...
(next to her family photos)
Another piece hangs from a teddy bears overall button!

Where ever they hang in our home they're a sweet little touch...
Something about miniature~

These and more are ready for my Etsy store...
I think I will make an extra special one for a blog giveaway!

Hope your Wednesday is filled with wonderful~

Tuesday, March 6

Giveaway! Vintage Buttons & Linen...

It's hip to be square!
(Square meaning honest, traditional... loyal)

A spring giveaway!
(Just leave a little comment on this post for your chance to win!)

I found this beautiful linen in a bag of treasures I purchased...
It was bunched up, stained, knotted with string~
When I gently opened it up, thinking it was a bunch of lace,
Wow! A perfect treasure of love!
Hand stitched details are breathtakingly beautiful!

I sketched five acorns in random squares...
Ten beautiful vintage "square" buttons are included but not stitched on~
You can decide!

I think it is perfect to share this "found" treasure...
The artist that spent hours and hours stitching was sharing her heart!
The time she must have spent!

We have always encouraged our children to~
Take time to look for the good...
Take time to get to know...
Take time to decide...
Take time to grow...

In a fast paced world... it's always good to take some time~

Saturday, June 5

Feathers & New Art...

Sweet 16 and I found a barn sale that had
boxes filled with all sorts of goodies!
Look at all these feathers!
She found a huge box of stained glass...
I know she will be sharing pictures when she
gets her blog up and running~

I need a day to sit and clean them...

Huge ones...
Little ones...
Bright ones...
Dull ones...

I love these plump shapes...
They're my favorites!

I listed a few more pieces in my etsy shop...

I'm running out of my little circles...
They're so much fun to draw on!

I know something else will catch my eye!

I love the Americana pieces...
When I invest in a sewing machine...
(giggle, giggle)
I will make pillows, banners, etc. with
patriotic themes to fill our home!

These old buttons are so thick!

I have always loved lighthouses...
Always a favorite subject at art festivals!

Hope you stop by my Etsy store to see
all of my new pieces...
More coming soon!

School is winding down for our teens~
Such a CRAZY BUSY time...
But a VERY GOOD time!

Hope you're having a great weekend!