Showing posts with label Sunday Sketches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday Sketches. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26

Thanksgiving Fraktur

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with wonderful memories~

I first learned about Fraktur in college...

Definition of FRAKTUR

:  a German style of black letter
often not capitalized :  a Pennsylvania German document (as a birth or wedding certificate) that is written in calligraphy and illuminated with decorative motifs (as tulips, birds, and scrolls)

True Fraktur is beautiful~
My sketchbooks are filled with these little sketches.
My notebooks from college (especially the non-art classes)
have simple designs influenced by Fraktur in the borders!

Happy Thanksgiving, Sweet Friends!

Thursday, August 8

New fabric treasures!

Little owl friends... perched on pumpkins!

Sending love from the garden...

Sharing a four leaf clover~

Inviting you to star gaze with them...

Choosing the perfect pumpkin was always a long process!
Our daughter would pick one that was all by itself in the patch...
Or half rotted...
Or shaped funny~ 
She was worried they would be left behind.
Our son....... chose the biggest one he could find!

Garden friends...

Garden babies...

Sharing walks through the fields...

Friendship shared~

Tea time visits...

Peek-a-boo birthday baby!
These treasures & more in my Etsy shop!

Hope your day is off to a great start~
We have sunny skies... after an early morning thunder storm!

Saturday, June 8

Quilt labels & scripture~

More and more words are finding their way onto home decor~

A way for us to share our hearts~

When I take walks through the countryside, feathered friends come near~
Worries calm, my head clears...

His word~

Will add these and oodles more to my Etsy shop~

Tomorrow is expected to be sunny again!
The gardens call to me... "weed me! weed me!"
Why don't the bunnies like to eat weeds?

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Sweet Friends!
Thank you always for so many wonderful comments~

Monday, April 15

Wednesday, February 20

Inspirational journals...

His Word is in my heart~

I paint with joy and a grateful heart~

I'm sharing these artist samples with a local Christian group
Impact Theatre a small way to help them continue to share His love & truths.

Beautiful journals & more available from Divinity Boutique!

Artist samples are a treat~
To hold a product in my hand, from one of my paintings!

This design is also on a garden flag!
Imagine how fun, to be driving down the road...
One of our teens shout out, "Mom! One of your flags!"

I give thanks to God~
For every gift He has given me.

I give thanks to God for each of you~
Who continually encourage and support me!

Wishing you a joy-filled day!

Sunday, May 20

Arizona Landscape...

Be sure to drink a lot of water...

Nearing Sedona~

We named this "Eagle Rock" ~ can you see the Eagle head?

This beautiful color... everywhere you look~

View from Chapel Rock~

On the road again~

Montezuma's Well
The only thing that lives in the pretty teal-blue water?
I didn't dip my toe in...

Cliff houses, Montezuma's Well...

Montezuma's Castle~
They used levels of ladders!

Desert landscape...
We were higher in elevation~ the Saguaro's are missing!

Oak Creek Canyon...

America's Grand Canyon!

My photographs do not give any character description
to this breathtakingly beautiful place...

I loved when it was quiet and we could take it all in...

Alaina and I are silent in nature...
We let it share it's own story~

Sweet blossoms living in the harshest of environments~

Beauty I could have never imagined or read about.
No photograph can capture the hand of God when it is this majestic~

Hope your weekend has been wonderful!