On my punch needle frame~
Susan B. Anthony
This awesome woman has been in the works since Summer 2019.
Two very exciting events have inspired my design:
Our rug hooking guild is celebrating their 25th year.
Rug Hookers of the Finger Lakes began meeting in 1994 at the
Our guild's biennial hook in is planned for May 2020 and
the rug challenge theme: Coverlet designs!
The second event inspiring my Susan B. project is
Sauder Village, August 2020~ Archbold, Ohio
Please click on the highlighted link for RHW details.
Alaina is a printmaker, she carved Susan B. to print onto canvas bags.
I had hoped to surprise our girl with a finished punch needle and
the 1800's coverlet gift, pictured below, this past Christmas.
That didn't happen!
Alaina collects old quilts, coverlets, blankets...
I had found this loved & worn piece in a small antique shop~
The indigo blue & cream design elements are perfect for framing
Susan B. and the wording most important to me.
I'm working in a vintage red because
I'm working in a vintage red because
Please click on the link for more information about her shawl.
'Patchwork Lincoln' Copyright 2019 Michelle L. Palmer
Susan B. is the second fiber piece I have designed using
Alaina's beautiful prints!
Alaina's beautiful prints!
(I'm looking forward to many more collaborations!)
You can see her woodblock carving of
President Lincoln near her toes!
I was inspired to add quilt blocks to my wool hooked rug pattern~
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin...
Ohio star & pinwheel squares~
There is a bright yellow patch at the top, I feel he was a guiding light!
Applique style tulips... I had hooked him in the Springtime.
Military gray stars & his birthday.
How I love to watch our daughter design, carve and print.
If you would like to see more of her work please follow her on
Facebook: Avery Hill
Etsy: Avery Hill
"Forget conventionalisms;
forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place;
think your best thoughts,
speak your best words,
work your best works,
looking to your own conscience for approval."
Susan B. Anthony
Be safe and well, Friends~
Be safe and well, Friends~