Showing posts with label Fraktur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraktur. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1

Land That I Love punch needle

Hi, Friends!
Welcoming July~ though I'm not sure where June disappeared to.
I hope this finds you well, staying strong and healthy~

Back on schedule after the sweetest little lady, we named her Cricket,
came into our life for fourteen days! I shared some photographs below.

I love the punch needle version of the wool hooked rugs~
Mini mats!
My rugs were originally translated from my walnut ink & watercolor illustrations.

We met this little love on June 10th~
Our Cricket
House sparrow nestling... four days old.
Alaina and I were walking at a shopping mall. From the corner of my eye
I saw something move. Alaina scooped up the wee little bird, not one feather on her.
It was 96 degrees and not all stores were open due to Covid restrictions.
We searched for a nest... we listened for other nestlings...
It appeared that little bird had taken a two story drop. She calmed in Alaina's hands.
We were off to our local farm & family store for advice to keep her healthy. 

I began feeding Cricket as soon as we had an egg cooked, hard boiled.
We mashed the yolk only, added a bit of Pedialyte so it would go down and 
with a blunt end toothpick began feeding her every hour.
Careful to watch her crop and not overfeed her.
The next day we added a little canned puppy food.

Day two with us we thought her tail feathers were getting a bit longer~
The third morning we uncovered her and pin feathers were popping out!

Her voice started getting stronger!
This is how Cricket slept. Full tummy and all tucked in.
She cuddled next to her woolen nest mates and a hot pad I set
outside of the yarn bowl.
All that I would hear from the corner of  my desk was a tiny
chirp of happy dreams... cricket-like sounds.

I would set the wool rounds in and she would wiggle around
until she found the perfect spot~

She outgrew her yarn bowl so her woolen nest mates and flannel
bedding were tucked in a corner of the butterfly keep we kept her in.
We added a perch...
On day ten we brought Cricket to the backyard for her
'in the grass time'... helping her feel comfortable in her natural environment.
After a few minutes she flew away!
We had graduated her to mealworms, cracked corn, millet, suet...
She knew what to eat~
It was still hard to see her go!

The very next day, Father's Day, I heard a sparrow near my studio door.
I thought it was Cricket. We have so many sparrows in our yard.
Could it be?
It sure was!
She flew to a lilac tree and called to us! Flapping her wings and quivering!
We brought her back inside... we kept her for a few more days.
I couldn't get her to peck at seeds.
She loved to be fed mealworms!
I made a little paste from egg yolk and pediatlyte again... just enough
on the tip of my toothpick to hold a seed, a piece of cracked corn~

Cricket was with us for a total of 14 days.
She continued to grow stronger... escaped and flew through the house frequently!
For her safely and development we decided to bring Cricket to
a wildlife rehabilitation in our town. 
She is safe in the care of a loving and gentle gal, in a much larger cage.
My heart is at peace.
The professionals will know when our sweet little gal is ready to fly.
Our winter is long and can be harsh here next to the lake.
It is important to us that Cricket learn to nest and prepare for the changing seasons.
Such a sweet journey~

"Nanny Goat's Flagpole Snack" copyright 2020 Michelle L. Palmer

This punch needle pattern has been published in the summer issue of
Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher Magazine

Deb included my journal entry with the pattern... a sweet and sassy goat.
I still can hear the clang of the bell she wore to warn of her arrival!

I hope your summer days are filled with beauty, friends.
All the best to you~
Praying you stay safe, healthy and strong!

Saturday, February 1

Flow Blue Winter wool hooked rug

Finished my Fraktur rug collection with Flow Blue Winter!
Now to button up the punch needle patterns of them~

A winter storm is expected for mid-week.
Spent the morning drawing a new rug & color planning
while catching up on laundry.
Something new for evenings!
I should scoot to the grocery store... when ice is in the forecast
memories of extended power outages surface.

'Blackbird on a Sunny Perch" is the first trio finished~
From my original walnut ink & watercolor sketch to
wool hooked rug and punch needle pattern!
It would be fun to design applique patterns for them...
It would be fun to paint the collection in oils...

Hope your February days are filled with love
and cozy projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Friends~

Sunday, December 15

Christmas Cardinal Fraktur

 "Peace on Earth Cardinal" copyright 2019 Michelle L. Palmer

Christmas No. 5 of 6 in my Fraktur collection~
One more to go.......Winter!
We all know I have plenty of time to complete that season.

I wait until December to trim unruly evergreen limbs.
Branches that hang low when mowing are gently pushed aside.
Yesterday we snipped and gathered white pine, juniper, cypress and English yew~
Natural boughs dress our windows at Christmastime and
through the winter months.
Today we plan to make a batch or two of cookies &
decorate the fresh cut tree~
We support local tree farmers and our songbirds
delight in the shelter it provides from the winter elements!
Early summer, our dried tree and boughs are pulled from the
compost area for 'fragrant' campfires~

Wishing you every joy of this beautiful
Holiday Season, Friends!

Thursday, November 28


"Acorn Perch" copyright Michelle L. Palmer
No. 4 of 6 Fraktur Rug Series

Thankful for you~
Wishing you and yours a beautiful
Thanksgiving weekend!

Monday, May 27

Land That I Love~ Memorial Day

Honoring and remembering
soldiers and service members who
gave their life in service...
Memorial Day and every day.

'Land that I Love' is No. 3 in my Fraktur series~
Each rug measures 24" x 22"
Hooked with wool strips. I used #6, #7 & #8 wool cuts.
I am having such a fun time with this collection!
There is something about wool...
Warms ones soul~

No. 2 in my Fraktur series...
This design was inspired by walks along the Erie Canal Path...
Beautiful poison sumac blossoms with their long and draping leaves~
Green, deep sage with a hint of chartreuse... with a little wheat, gold, salmon..
They are fond of color changes!
Birds & chipmunks live along the pathway... waterfront real estate~
They must deposit sunflower seeds for snacks and 
then forget where they stashed them~
Every now and again a brilliant yellow sunny flower will peek up!

The illustrated collection is titled Frakturs & Flourishes.
Red Rooster Fabrics designed a fabric line from them.
I love putting down lines with my dip pens and homemade walnut ink.
Lines flow naturally, unevenly...
Curves and swirls fall into place as if they were following
the trail of a butterfly.
Tulips in Springtime and my mother loved bleeding hearts.
Purple crocus peeking through just as Robins are building their nests!
Earth day is in April... I thought the dome with the sun would
be a nice way to cover the birds just as treetops do.

Wool is a flourish of its own~
No extra effort needed!

Gold Star Families~ remembering you, too.
Peace and love~

Tuesday, April 23

Blackbird Wool Hooked Rug

'Blackbird on a Sunny Flower' Fraktur #2 of 6 copyright 2019 Michelle L. Palmer
Illustration copyright 2010

Inspired by summer walks along the Erie Canal~
Poison Sumac leaves and blossoms are so pretty (from a distance)
The leaves hang similar to the top arch~ turning crimson in the Fall.
The blossoms are beautiful~ I made mine salmon, a little lighter than true.
Every now and then a sunflower blossom will pop up
along the pathway edge.
Chipmunks and squirrels drop some of their bird feeder stash
and they take seed in unexpected places!

I included a photograph of my 'Fraktur & Flourish'
pen & ink with watercolor illustration
that inspired the summery piece~

The bird and I had a few closed door meetings.
Feather colors were changed a few times and if I stare at it
for too long I get thinking the wing could still be a different color!

I just LOVE how the warmth and texture of wool is bringing new life
to my collection of walnut ink illustrations!

I draw my patterns by hand on primitive linen.
Finished rug size is 24" wide by 22" tall (actual hooked area)
3.5" to 4" border around the entire design
allowing ample room for your frame.
I take care to keep the lines straight of the grain.
Linen edges are taped to prevent fraying. I use green Frog Brand tape.
It is available through my Etsy shop:

It will be a while for number three in the series to be completed~
Free time is shared with gardening and sunsets...
How we have waited for Spring to arrive!

Wishing your hearts happiness~

Monday, April 22

Fraktur wool hooked rug

"Robin Red Breasts" wool hooked rug copyright 2019
Illustration copyright 2010
#1 of 6 Fraktur theme rugs translated from my original illustrations.

I used #6, 7 & 8 cut (wool strips) for my model.
I have the second in the collection finished... I hope to share it tomorrow.
The designs are very similar to each other when drawn with
walnut ink and painted with watercolor...
They are so much warmer and rich with texture when hooked~
the wool rugs look completely different from each other!

I began drawing Fraktur and flourish elements in 1989 when I was a
graphic design student at R.I.T.
Through studying cobblestone structures for American Architecture I found
the most beautiful barns with hex signs and painted quilts.
With more research I became very distracted by Fraktur illustrations!

Fraktur sketches filled my notebook margins... ideas swirled in my mind!
I did my best to focus on the professors lectures...
I tried...
Through the years all of my college sketches,
interpretations from early works, have shared inspiration!
Inspired by the early treasures but never copied... 
Nothing so beautiful as original frakturs and the history they recorded~
Illustrated history...
My frakturs, with a twist of whimsy, record favorite birds in
childhood gardens, perennial beds~ the beauty of season changes. 

I draw my patterns by hand on primitive linen.
Finished rug size is 24" wide by 22" tall (actual hooked area)
3.5" to 4" border around the entire design
allowing ample room for your frame.
I take care to keep the lines straight of the grain.
Linen edges are taped to prevent fraying. I use green Frog Brand tape.
It is available through my Etsy shop:

Hope your week is off to a great start, Friends!
Thanks so much for stopping by~

Tuesday, September 26

Punch needle patterns~

'Rooster Rising' Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

'Rooster Rising' my dad would always say,
"Never let the sunshine catch you sleeping!" "Up an at 'em!"
Days with him were always filled with adventure~ and love!

Hello, Friends!
It has been too long since my last post~
Summer seemed to dash by us and Autumn has arrived with 
unseasonably warm and beautiful days!
The gardens continue to call to me and
somehow I find myself spending too much time away from my desk~

'Scarecrow in the Pumpkin Patch' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

When the moon is so bright you don't need a flashlight~ 
That's when I imagine new friends are made!

'Apple a Day' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Apple a Day' ~ The orchards smell so, so good right now!
We have been enjoying several warm days.
Driving past the rows of apple trees with our window down~ 
Sure to make an apple pie as soon at the 80 degree days go back down to the 60's.
(I think punch needle each day is great medicine, too!)

'Love You, Fraktur Bird' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

My dad would sit on the edge of my light blue
sand box (that he had built) and look up to the moon and say,
"I love you all the way up there, to that big white moon~ and back"
He used the moon to keep me awake on the way home
from Christmas Eve parties,
"Where's that moon, Boo? Did you see Santa fly around it yet?"
Something about the moon~

'Sunny Perch' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Perfect place for our little crow friend to rest his wings~
Pumpkins can get heavy!
I remember walking through the pumpkin patch with little ones.
They would find the biggest one they could wrap their little
arms around & claim it as their own.
It would grow heavy in their arms after a few steps~

'Pumpkin in the Window' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Mom always put a ceramic pumpkin (that my sister made)
in our front picture window.
I loved the soft glow of the smiling jack o lantern's face
as it reflected in the window.
The pumpkin sat on a very thick encyclopedia,
wrapped in tin foil, for perfect height. I put my little friend on a pedestal~

Hope your Autumn days are filled with happiness, Friends!

Thursday, November 26

Thanksgiving Fraktur

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with wonderful memories~

I first learned about Fraktur in college...

Definition of FRAKTUR

:  a German style of black letter
often not capitalized :  a Pennsylvania German document (as a birth or wedding certificate) that is written in calligraphy and illuminated with decorative motifs (as tulips, birds, and scrolls)

True Fraktur is beautiful~
My sketchbooks are filled with these little sketches.
My notebooks from college (especially the non-art classes)
have simple designs influenced by Fraktur in the borders!

Happy Thanksgiving, Sweet Friends!