Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16

Giveaway Celebration!

"Yellow & Blue Garden" prints are back from the printer!
When I saw them~~~~ GOOSEBUMPS!!!
So I must celebrate opening my 2nd Etsy Shop with a giveaway!

"Yellow & Blue Garden" Print
will be the giveaway on my FACEBOOK page~

"Earth Day Garden" Print
 will be the GIVEAWAY HERE on my blog!

The original watercolor is on the bottom~
You can see the clear details & perfect color to the above print!

The original on the top in this photo...

To have your name put in the hat for "Earth Day Garden"
please leave a comment on this post~ & if you follow my blog be sure
to let me know... I'll put your name in the hat twice!

To have your name put in the hat for "Yellow & Blue Garden"
please leave a comment & LIKE my facebook page!

You can have your name put in for both Giveaways!
Thank you for so many wonderful comments~
You make my heart smile!!!

Happy Thursday, Sweet Friends~

Friday, August 31

Facebook page...

I have added a Facebook page!
Do hope you will "Like" it and follow along with even more
art fun, creative tips/links and peeks into my studio~

Hope your Friday is off to a great start!