Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24

Thank you Stocking Patterns 2021

The trees have let go of nearly all of their leaves~

Our first snow of the season was beautiful!

It's Thanksgiving~

My heart is grateful for your friendship, kindness & patronage!

My annual Thank you Pattern~

Two new stockings again this year! Two is twice the fun~

It seemed perfect to have a polar bear stocking to match my 

'Polar Bear Pine' punch needle and rug hooking patterns.

I love owl silhouettes, hear their song.

When the leaves have cleared they're much easier to locate in the landscape.

Right click on the pattern pages below and save to your computer.
Print at 100% or actual size... they will match previous years.
You're welcome to make the design in your favorite medium.
Personal use only, please.

Close ups for stitching and color details~

Right click on the pattern pages below and save to your computer.
Print at 100% or actual size... they will match previous years.
You're welcome to make the design in your favorite medium.
Personal use only, please.

Close up views for color and stitch details~

The two photographs below are from our first snowfall~

Tufts of snow held gently by dried flowers, twigs and branches.

Inspiring the details around the bottom of the fencepost.

 Wishing you a joyful season, Friends!
You're treasured and I appreciate each of you~

Friday, December 4

Annual Christmas Stocking Pattern

~To thank you, Friends~
For your kindness, support & patronage throughout the year!

2020 Can use a little extra love & distraction 
so I designed two stocking patterns to share this year.

'Christmas Star Santa'
Additional photographs and project hints below~

Please right click on the pattern file, save to your computer.
Print from there~

'Snow Rabbit'
Additional photographs and project hints below~

Please right click on the pattern file, save to your computer.
Print from there~

I used #12 Valdani threads for most of my stitching~
DMC floss for the eyes and mouth.

Wishing you joy-filled December days and good health!
Stay strong and take good care~


Friday, December 20

Punch Needle Santa Claus & Cardinal

'Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus!'
I finally found my copy of the wonderful,
Christmas~Mega Issue,
Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher Magazine!

Well hidden between two Christmas bags...
I thought I had accidentally recycled it!
Not a magazine to recycle... it is brimming with beautiful patterns~

I have been designing punch needle patterns for
upcoming classes along with patterns
for punching my fraktur rugs.
Will have a new pattern to share the week of Christmas~

'Christmas Eve Cardinal' copyright 2019 Michelle L. Palmer

Christmas Eve Cardinal is wishing Santa safe travels as he
prepares for his late night journey around the world!

Praying all of you have safe travels as you visit those you love~
I hope your weekend before Christmas 
is filled with goodness and love!

Friday, December 21

Antique and vintage linen treasures

 Winter whites warm my heart~
With some warmer days I started adding some forget me nots and hearts!

I know the winter winds will continue to bring storms and frigid temperatures~
For now we will enjoy a few warm moments & the whisper of Spring.

Hearts so tender~
I hope you have been enjoying this beautiful season!


This rooster piece became mixed in...
It was the perfect excuse to sketch a nesting hen!

It smells like forget me not weather~
I couldn't help but add a wreath of love!

Wishing you a joy-filled Holiday Season~
Praying that family and friends arrive safe and sound!
May wonderful new memories be written on your hearts~

Wednesday, November 28

Rug hooking patterns~

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
The four of us were together for a quiet dinner. It was nice to hold still as
both Alaina and Will work retail/entertainment. A busy time for them.
Dean and I are so grateful for their love and laughter.

So hard to believe December is just a blink away!
I have been trying to finish "Jasper & Snickers," my donkey rug,
so that I can start on a prim Santa project!
I translated this prim friend from one of my paintings... he is such a tease.
Those eyes!
I'm not good at starting new rugs while one is still unfinished. 
Not a bad thing but I would LOVE to work on a seasonal piece
at the same time and not feel guilty~ (giggle)
I think it is because I don't want to confuse wool palettes
in my small project area.

I have added some new rug hooking patterns to my Etsy Shop
They are hand drawn onto primitive linen.
I do my best to keep lines straight on the grain.

'Buffalo Check Santa' with his bluebird of happiness!
Inspired by one of my punch needle designs, the smaller size has a starry sky.

'Buffalo Check Santa' with his bluebird of happiness~
The larger size has the same twig border and tree...

'White Birch Snowman' with his Cardinals~ based on my punch needle design.

'White Birch Snowman' with his Cardinals~ based on my punch needle design.

'Jasper and Snickers' are coming along! 
There are not enough 'play' hours to the day~
I never want to rush just to get something finished.
Snickers face is almost done! That is the most challenging part for me,
capturing the likeness and character. Once I finish his eye area and those ears...
I will be able to zip the soil in and crochet the edges!

Always thinking of hearts that are recovering from hurricanes,
flooding, fires, health emergencies and family loss~
You're never far from our hearts and prayers.

Wishing your hearts joy~

Sunday, December 17

O Christmas Tree~

It is so nice to have a blanket of white on the ground~
Time for the land & crops to rest and picture perfect!

A country drive is always a favorite pastime...
Just up the road from our home is our favorite tree farm!

Snow was floating down softly,  like feathers falling~
Look at all of those babies!
Wrapping the hills as far as the eye can see! (even on a clear day)

They're in their 20's now... but walking behind them brings back
25 years of tree-gathering memories.
Little ones toddling through trees their height~ playing hide & seek.
Little hands hugging 15' giants...
Sitting on the trunk and being carried out~

Some years it has been so warm we were in t-shirts...
Other years there has been so much rain we've been up to
our ankles in mud, slipping & sliding~

Our daughter LOVES wee little trees~
I tend to choose trees that are far too tall for our home!

Baby trees here and there~ replenishing...

We found one!
Wishing you and yours a joy-filled season~