We took clothing hampers, garbage pails, laundry baskets
to the flower beds... and covered, weighted, tucked in babies!
Some of the Narcissus that I planted last fall~
My "breast cancer pink" daffodils in memory of mom~
Didn't fit!
So six of them came inside with us...
They are so delighted to be indoors~
Their fragrance called to me!
Paint me!
Paint me!
So I did...
They're available for purchase in Alaina's Etsy store
Thank you for all of your purchases!
It is so very exciting to share originals again~
They were bright pink outside...
They have turned a very soft salmon~
Perhaps pale from the kitty cats stalking the water in their vase...
They're so tall! Robust!
The softer color...
The storm is passing~ we're thankful it was not as destructive
as expected (in our area). A few Lilac limbs have bent over...
Perhaps the blossoms will survive and then I will prune them fresh.
I didn't save the packages when I planted these beauties...
We call them "Marie"~
When I discover their name in one of my journals, I'll share it!
"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose"
Hada Bejar