So, I want to introduce you to my little Ben...Big Ben actually...
Here he is....always prompt and timely,
make no bones about it.
Doesn't he make you feel like the Abominable Snowman in Bugs Bunny cartoons..
.."I will name him George (Ben), and I will hug him and squeeze him and pet him and pat him..."
and to think he started from a roller skate, an alarm clock and a Goodwill dolly. As my favorite Shakespeare quote goes:
Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made,
Those are pearls that were his eyes
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange

Yep...that's my Ben..
well you know i love ben!
He reminds me of the spawn of the Madussa from that Harry Hamilin movie from the 80's? No not "Making Love".... the OTHER one....
I grew up in Kalispell, and went to school in Missoula!
I live in Long Beach now.
Your work is truly awesome! Love it!
Ben looks frighteningly healthy with those rosy cheeks and that attitude.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... This is AWESOME! (Love the quote, too!)
"Gentle Ben"?
joyful piece!!!!!!
He's wicked wonderful. Love the tongue, glass clock, wheels. Perfect!
And the Shakespeare quote? One of the few I have memorized. Dark and full of strange.
LOL! I love it! I know this sounds dumb but he..does the clock work? I think it makes a verrry cool clock to put on the mantel!
Fantastic! Reminds me a little of the Fiji mermaid. Love the creepy-cute with a splash of whimsy.
Brian K, you thinkin' of "Clash of the Titans"? After I saw the movie, I tried making the owl out of a soda can and tin foil (results not so good).
Ben is way up there on the creep scale..... I love it!!!!
ewwww creepy Goodness!!
Check this out. I think you will enjoy his paintings.
awesome stuff here!
ANother de Meng masterpiece ;-)
You seem to have a "tongue" thing happening. This one is truly a gene simmons model!
That tongue is too cool...really makes the piece, Michael.
this is awesome; juuuust this side of creepy!!
At first I thought woah, all this time I thought Pacino said friend not Ben, hehe.
Really awesome piece Michael!! I especially love the clock section, just wow!
I absolutely ADORE BEN! He's so fabulous! Do you plan to teach a class making something like Ben?
Just love it.
Fearsome and fabulous! LOL at the Pacino and snowman quotes, all stored in the common cultural reference memory bank :) Love that Shakespeare quote, so much!
Ben is amazing, may you have many happy hours hugging and staring at him. We likes the Precious :)
so does Ben need a home??????? he is gorgeous i love him!! You are wonderful!
Oooh Michael... Ben is an 11 on the creep-o-meter! I love me some creepy but those centipede leg thingies on the side give me the heebee jeebees. Ha! Dig the Shiva tongue tho.
his head sort of reminds me of those sand people in africa. they are all cover in sand
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