Showing posts with label zara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zara. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Zaful outfit mango bag zara sandals
Levis vintage skirt
Levis skirt
Zaful outfit
Mango floral bag
Mango zara outfit
Mango floral bag
Top: Zaful // Skirt: Levi's // Bag: Mango // Sunglasses: Zaful // Sandals: Zara 

Hi you all! I hope this autumn season has been good to you and that you're all great. Today, I have a summerish post for you. I'm not really sure why I haven't published these already, I guess I forgot. These photos were taken in a small town on Adriatic coast - Sv. Filip i Jakov ( you can see my previous posts from there here and here ). We ( my cousin and I ) found this cute little street and she took these photos for me - Iva, thank you ♥ . Now, if you're wondering what I'm wearing, I actually found this skirt on a Croatian website where other people sell their clothes ( ) and we did a little trade, I gave her something from my closet that I wasn't wearing anymore and she gave me the skirt. It's a vintage Levi's and it's amazing! My blouse and sunglasses ( if you can even see them ) are from zaful and you all know how much I love that store. This blouse was one of my favorite pieces this summer, you should definitely check their striped blouses, you can find some great staples for autumn as well. I borrowed this mango bag from Iva and I wore my inevitable zara sandals that I've been wearing all summer long. I know this outfit is not really appropriate for this weather, but it depends where you live ;D I love these photos and wanted to share them with you, but another reason why I'm publishing them now is that I am already feeling a little nostalgic for summer. Have an amazing day, byee :*

Pozdrav svima, 'ajmo sad i na hrvatskom, malo za promjenu. Nadam se da vam ova jesen ide odlično i da ste svi super! Danas nemam baš neki jesenski outfit za vas, ipak mi se čini da malo više vuče na ljetno vrijeme, zezam se, skroz je ljetni. Ne znam zašto ga nisam prije objavila, izgleda da sam zaboravila na ove fotkice. Uslikane su u Sv. Filip i Jakovu, dok sam bila na moru, još jednom hvala Ivi na slikama ( moram napisati i na hrvatskom, iako sam ti se već zahvalila i na engleskom ). A sad malo o outfitu, suknju sam nabavila na mojim krpicama. Zamijenila sam se s jednom curom za nešto što sam prodavala, mislim da je bila neka duksa ili slično. Iznenadili biste se koliko dobrih stvari ( s vremena na vrijeme ) možete naći tamo, ali ipak treba malo kopati i biti strpljiv - kao i u Second hand trgovinama. Suknja je Levi's i stvarno je odlična! Ovaj top na vezanje i naočale koje zapravo baš ni ne vidite su sa zaful stranice koju inače obožavam i imam stvarno puno njihovih stvari. Torbu sam uzela Ivi kad smo došle na lokaciju te sam shvatila da njena torba ide bolje uz ovu kombinaciju nego ona koju sam ja imala haha, a sandalice su moje najdraže iz zare koje sam nosila cijelo ljeto. Znam da ova kombinacija nije baš prikladna za sad, ali evo, da se prisjetimo ljeta koje već mi nedostaje. Dok tipkam ovaj post ruke mi postaju sve hladnije ( cirkulacija mi je katastrofa ) - samo jedan od razloga zašto ne volim hladnije vrijeme, iako je lijepo, moram priznati, zavući se pod dekicu i pogledat neki dobar film - u mom slučaju Ljubav je na selu, da, i nije me sramota ;D Eto, to je to, nadam se da vam se sviđa i posjetite me na instagramu, ako želite jer sam tamo aktivna svakodnevno. Uživajtee :*


Saturday, September 9, 2017


Top: Zaful // Skirt : Mom's old // Sandals: Zara

Hi you all, I hope you're well! These photos were taken by my lovely friend Žana ( once again ) while we were at the seaside a month ago. I wish I was there right now, but no, I'm stuck with books and studying, yay. Jk, education is great. Anyhow, I wore this adorable gingham top from zaful that you can buy with a matching midi skirt right here. You need to check out their top blouses and maxi skirts, they have so many awesome and up-to-date pieces. I said this a thousand times already and I will say it again - zaful is my favorite online store. All of their items are similiar to the ones you can find in your local Zara, Stradivarius, Pull&Bear ( and we all love those kinda affordable stores with trendy pieces ) but the prices on zaful are waaay more reduced. I promise you, I won't stop writting about them, so you need to check them out ;) Seriously, everything I have received from that website was surprisingly great quality.

Pozdrav svima, nadam se da ste svi odlično! Ove fotke je uhvatila moja draga Žana ( opet ) dok smo bile na moru - na istom mjestu, u isto vrijeme. Da sam bar sad tamo, ali ne, knjige i učenje - to volim. Šalim se, ali ne šalim se da sam obožavala ovakve topiće cijelo ljeto. Ovaj slatki s gingham printom je sa zaful stranice, a možete ga kupiti s istom takvom midi suknjom ovdje. Rekla sam to već sto puta na blogu i ponovit ću opet - zaful mi je jedno od, ako ne i najdraže mjesto za online kupnju. Tamo je većina stvari slična ( i ista ) kao i one u Zari, Stradivariusu i takvim trgovinama u kojima većina kupuje, dok su na zafulu cijene još duplo i više jeftinije. Ozbiljna sam, zaful je zakon. I nije jedna od onih stranica gdje ćete dobiti nešto sasvim drugo od onoga što je prikazano na slici ili loše kvalitete. Sve što imam od njih je iznenađujuće veoma dobro napravljeno. Evoo, opet sam malo na hrvatskom odlučila pisati, ne znam koliko će me to dugo držati jer ne znam želite li uopće da pišem i na hrvatskom. To je to od mene, arrivederci svima :)

not sponsored by coca-cola if you're wondering 


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Yoins two piece set / Zara sandals / Zaful sunglasses

Hi you all, I can not believe that it has been a year since my latest outfit post. Why haven't I posted them more often, I don't know, but I should start doing that again. My friend Žana took these photos 2 weeks ago while I was on holiday and she did quite a good job! We found a pretty little street in Sv. Filip i Jakov ( Croatia ), little sea towns have the best narrow streets for sure! I am wearing this adorable two piece set from yoins that you can find here. It's a great summer piece because you can wear it separately or wear the top two different ways - the side I'm wearing on the front can also be on the back. I paired it with my favorite summer sandals from zara and zaful round frame sunglasses. If you're interested in any of these items-  available links are below the photos. Also, I used to always put a song at the end of my post and I'll start doing that again from time to time so I could share some of my favorite artists with you. Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

come to me and you will know

 Zara jacket, Dresswe bag, Oasap sweater, H&M jeans, Daniel Wellington watch, Oasap scarf, Deichmann boots, Stylemoi bracelet

 A classic autumn outfit from the other day. wearing my favorite jacket - the last time weather allowed me to since coat season has just started.. I love this fluffly sweater from, but I'm pretty sure it is sold out there so you could try to find it here as this lovely plaid scarf too. My boots and watch are my staple pieces I wear all the time. 
I definitely need to get back on schedule with posting my outfit photos, but my little photographer needs to agree to take photos of me again ( my little sister ). 


Friday, October 9, 2015

we choose the way of dimension

ZNU top / BORN PRETTY necklace / ZARA jacket / STYLEMOI skirt

Wearing the bornpretty necklace you saw in one of my previous posts - it actually has been my favorite since I got it, i love wearing it. They have many more lovely jewelry and here's a 10% discount code for you MRMT10. My top is from and I have matching shorts, but I decided to pair it with this fishnet skirt since it's obviously too cold for shorts. I hope you like this quick little post and have an amazing weekend!!:)


Sunday, April 12, 2015

if it was that easy there was no need to try

Jacket : H&M / Sweater : Zara / Skirt : Oasap / Shoes : Keds / Clutch : 9September 

Hello you, last outfit post was almost a month ago, so here's a new one finally.. Weather allowed me to wear no tights - bare legs which is yesyesyes... I'm also wearing my new sneakers from keds ( I got them from here - Croatian only site ) and this pink sweater that I did not wear enough during the winter time so I'm just gonna transit it to spring...oh and what's with the leg on the 6th photo? I don't know neither, it just went up! haha byee :)
