My daughter and her partner have bought a new house, it's much closer to the city centre where they both work so its handy for them but further away from us they were just down the road and around the corner, it's a lovely little house very compact and just right for a couple and their dog.
These are the pretty door knobs on the bedrooms.I like the bathroom floor the colour is a bit different and I like the border.
Bars on the window so you never had to shut them so always fresh air circulating.
Angus pictures have pride of place.
and have you ever seen a more interesting tissue box, it's catbus.
The kitchen lounge room and dining room are open plan.
The laundry is in a cupboard all tucked away when not in use, what a good idea.
So the kitchen is big with plenty of cupboards make more sense than my place my laundry is twice the size of my kitchen.
There is a small garden easy to look after and a place for Angus to sun bake or relax in the shade on hot days, he can also keep a eye on the people walking past as he can see out of the back gates thats always interesting for a dog they like to watch the passing parade. 
There is also a herb garden in a half wine barrel very handy to the kitchen.
And other bit and pieces that make the garden a pleasant place to sit.
And a tiny fireplace.
Her sister has come down from the country to spend some time with her family.
and this is her 96 year old mother she is much better now and looking wonderful.
This tree was once on the neighbours land but has grown so much in the last few years it is now on both properties, this is one big tree, it's hard to get it all in one photo so there is a few.
Lovely and shady in summer but blocks the sun in winter, that's a four story block of flats next door and the tree is almost up the top story and has a wide spread.
Well that's it for this week we had more rain but the sun is out today and we are in for fine weather for a few days so I'm going to do some stuff in the garden while it's sunny.