Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Quick Drop Off!!

Just realized I need to get a thing or two posted
or they will be late!! EEKKK!!!

Here goes:

I did it-bookmark.


Paper Sundaes-summe/beach.
Paper Pretties-no markers!

Thanks tons and bunches for stopping by!!
Have a wonderful, love filled weekend!!

Until next time..............tootles!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Pattie's Creations Challenge #27

Welcome to Challenge #27, where our theme is to use Stitches!!  Real or faux!!
JUST REMEMBER, if you use an image from Pattie's Creations,
you will get an extra entry to win!
Stop over at her Etsy Store and browse around.
There are FREEBIES too.

The challenge starts now and ends
Thursday, August 11th at 1PM CST (Central Standard Time).

My creation for this challenge:

I hope you will join us for this wonderful challenge!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Until next time..............tootles!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's been a while.....

Sorry I'm so behind.
Still going through some stuff!!
But God has just been so good and I am so blessed!!
Satan isn't liking it!! Tough on him!!
I am the child of the King!! And I'm so glad
I don't have to do this alone!!
God is good ALL the time!!
Thanks for your prayers!! They are greatly appreciated!!

Quick challenges.......
Our Daily Bread-piercing.

Crafty Catz-no pink or blue.
The card is peach!!

AWESOME devotion there this week!!
PLEASE check it out!! It will lift you up!!

Whimsie Doodles-polka dots.

Thanks bunches for stopping by!!
Please leave me a note so I know you stopped by!!
Have a wonderful, love filled week!!

Until next time........tootles!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Quick 5 for 6

I'm way behind this week!!
It has been a difficult week here on my end.
Any prayers you can say on my and my family's
behalf, would be appreciated!! Thank you!!

Stampin' Sisters in Christ-something about your project
should move. This card folds flat for mailing but
pops up for display. I found the tutorial HERE.
The images are from Far Far Hill.

I Did It-4 legged animal.
The image is from Di's Digi's

Image is from Di's Digi's.

Flutterby Wednesday-butterfly, angel or fairy.

That's all for now!!
Thanks bunches for stopping by!!

Until next time..........tootles!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A few things to share....

So I'll get right to it!!

Our Daily Bread-phrase inspiration.

Dutch Dare-buttons, bows, brads and bling.
Inkspirations-kraft, plum, rose red and white.

Crazy 4 Challenges-joy fold card.
Sweet Stop-sketch: Christmas in July.
Paper Sundaes-Christmas in July.

Thank so much for stopping by!!
I love to have you visit!!
Please stop again soon!!

Until next time...................tootles!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pattie's Creations

Welcome to Challenge #26, where our theme is to use
 Glitter or Bling!!
JUST REMEMBER, if you use an image from Pattie's Creations,
you will get an extra entry to win!
Stop over at her Etsy Store and browse around.
There are FREEBIES too.

The challenge starts now and ends
Thursday, July 27th at 1PM CST (Central Standard Time).

My creation for this challenge:

I hope to see you over at Pattie's!!

Until next time................tootles!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Thursday!!

A few challenge to share with you today!!

Spoon Full of Sugar-Pink and brown.
I Did It-floral.
The image is from Far Far Hill.

Crafty Cardmakers-one layer cards.
My dd was very sweet and drew the bamboo on this card for me.

Tuesday Morning Sketches-detachable bookmark.
The heart is a magnetic bookmark.

Flutter By Wednesday-photo inspiration.

Whimsie Doodles-card with a pocket.

Paper Cupcakes-birthday.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Thanks also for the lovely comments you leave!!
They always make me smile!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Until next time..............tootles!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stamping Sisters in Christ

It's that time!!
Love them!!
This week the lovely Rebekka Reed is the challenge hostess.

Scripture: James 2:18,19 “But someone will say, You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble.”

Mt. 7 says, "many will come to me in that day and say, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, did we not cast demons out in your name, did we not do miracles things in your name’, and He will say, "away from me you worker of iniquity, for I NEVER knew you."

We are living in a time of great compromise. We seem to forget that God is serious about His Word and He warned us not to be deceived.. Our salvation is not based on works but Grace, James is making it very clear that there must be fruit of our confession of faith in Christ. Obedience is greater then sacrifice (works). If you are truly born again you are a new creation, you are different, the things you use to do, you do not do any more, we over come sin by the blood of the lamb. Our new nature desires holiness, yes we may stumble along the way but our desire to love God with all our heart, mind & soul helps us to get up and continue to run this race.
Read more HERE.

Challenge: "What works for you" use your favorite item for stamping, it could be a stamp,embossing folder, favorite spellbinder shape.

Thanks bunches for stopping by!!
Until next time........tootles!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Next Set....

...of challenges, that is.
I love to have the time to sit and just scrap!!
Here's what I have done:

Just Us Girls-chipboard buttons.
I actually  made the chipboard buttons for this!!

Friday Mashup!-vintage/ flowers.
Crafty Catz-vintage.
The window is a chippie from 3 Tails Crafts.

Dutch Dare-summer fun.

Our Daily Bread-red, white and blue.

Sweet Stop-sketch.
Gem of a Challenge-for the boys.

Thanks bunches for visiting!!
I hope you'll leave me note so I know you were here!!
Have a wonderful, love filled week!!

Until next time.................tootles!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm behind in posting my challenges!!
So I'll get right to it!!

Whimsie Doodles-beach theme.
Die Cut Dreams-3 shapes, 2 colors, 1 ribbon.

And my most favorite place...
Stampin' Sisters in Christ-clean and simple.
Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
AWESOME verse. You can read Peggysue's devotional, HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I really appreciate your comments!!
Have a wonderful, love filled, weekend!!

Until next time..............tootles.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

I hope you are having a wonderful
holiday weekend!! It's wonderful
spending some time with your family and friends,
to say nothing of all the good food!!
I'm planning to make a lovely rack of Ribs,
some yummy mac and cheese and
red, white and blue cupcakes!!

I'm here to post a few challenge cards!!

Firday Mashup!-red, white and blue/patriotic.
I Did It-patriotic.
Whimsie Doodles-red, twine, flower.
The image is from Far Far Hill

Crazy 4 Challenges-center step card.

Sweet Stop-sketch.

Crafty Catz-colors of summer.

I found this cool little challenge at
It was too cute not to try!!
I recieved the ladybugs in swap over at
They were made byKelly!

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I hope yo have a wonderful,
love filled holiday!!


Until next time....................tootles!!