Niebieska tunika to najnowszy nabytek, na razie jest tuniką, ale docelowo chcę ją nosić do dżinsów. W tle królik :)
It's the middle of my holidays so I rarely visit the blog. I also rarely go shopping but today I've spent almost the whole day in the city center and my shopaholism showed its teeth. It turned out that I needed new glasses, new flip-flops, new swimming suit, new dresses... And of course a new pair of shoes wouldn't harm. An maybe some lingerie...
The blue tunic is my newest purchase and is currently a tunic but in the future I intend to wear it as a shirt with jeans. In the background is my rabbit :)
Tunika / Tunic - % Reserved
Bransoletki / Bracelets - vintage mojej mamy / my mum's vintage
Pierścionek / Ring - vintage mojej mamy / my mum's vintage
Naszyjnik / Necklace - handmade
Zegarek / Watch - Swatch
Torebka / Bag - Reserved