Not pictured: Cheese-eating time. |
Ugh, sorry, guys. Last week was busy with my husband being out of town and a
crazy fun neighborhood event Sunday. The dogwalker came every weekday at noon for my spoiled mutts, but it killed me to know they were alone the rest of the day with only their 5,000 toys to entertain them, so I rushed home after work to give them cuddles, treats and belly rubs.
Lately, my weekends have been just as busy as the week days! I was better this weekend about getting to bed at a decent hour and getting a good night’s sleep, at least. I think I was asleep by 10:30 Saturday night. Rock star! Saturday consisted of breakfast out and errands before I did my trainer ride, and all day Sunday was dedicated to cleaning until my friends came over (haha) and the subsequent parade, partying and dinner out.
Long story short: I ate way too many French fries and way too much cheese to counteract the relatively little training I did.
Swim: Only once in the pool for 3200 meters in about 1:20 on Friday evening. I had the lap pool pretty much to myself and
did NOT have to cut it short for a foot cramp, so I’ll take that small victory. My repeats were nothing spectacular but within a 3-second range, so at least I’m consistent. I skipped Monday’s scheduled swim because I was already crabby from losing an hour of sleep and stressed from being the solo dog parent (haha again), and it was a beautiful day, so I went for a run instead.
Bike: Twice on the trainer, one short session during the week and one “long ride” on Saturday, for a total of 3:15. I had to skip my other weekday ride for an evening work event. On the plus side, there was a TON of leftover cheese from the event and I got to take a lot of it home (see note above about eating way too much cheese this week).
Run: Twice, both OUTSIDE IN THE GORGEOUS WEATHER, for a total of 8.5 miles in about 1:22. My runs last week gave me so much joy: It was super nice out both days. I had very little discomfort in my IT band. I managed a 9:43 average pace for one and a 9:39 average pace for the other, a HUGE leap from where I was just a few months ago. 8.5 miles is my highest mileage week in a while. This makes me so, so, so happy. (I wanted to get in a third run Sunday, but the parade festivities went longer than expected. Regardless, I’m happy with what I did get done.)
Yoga: Hey, I did some yoga! I got 20 minutes of mostly pigeons, bends, etc. on Monday night.
Total: 6 sessions in about 6:18.
Nothing spectacular, but at least that included a bit of everything. Like every single other week, I wish I had more time. I could have done more yoga, lifted some weights, done my pre-hab exercises, swam once or twice more, etc., but I only have so many hours in the day. But overall, I feel I did the best with what time I had, and even had some fun on the weekend too.