Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Challenge Yourself Challenge for October

 Hello ! I hope you are all keeping well in these uncertain times. Today I am sharing my take on the challenge at Scrap Challenge Yourself. The Challenge is a lovely Colour Palette

I have chosen a layout with two of my Grandchildren at the Anzac March which is in our Autumn Season.

Thanks so much for calling by and I really appreciate any comments you take the time to leave.

Love, Peace and Kindness

Mary x

Friday, October 2, 2020

More Than Words Challenge ~ I will leave a light on ~ Universe

Hello ! I don't blog much these days, but I came across the More Than Words Challenge and thought hmmm thats a interesting challenge.


The Challenge being Night and No flowers. 

I had no idea what I would do and then straight after I saw a quote on Facebook "I will leave a light on " ~ Universe ( I liked it )

I used a photo I took driving home from my  daughters  then home one night, as I came to the top of the hill the moon was shining through the clouds , shining over the town. I was compelled to pull over and take a photo & this is how my layout evolved.

Thank you for calling by, I really appreciate if you take the time to leave a comment.

Love, Peace and Kindness 

Mary x

Monday, August 31, 2020

A scarf kind of day ~ Challengeyourself


Popping in to share a layout for the current challenge at ScrapChallenge yourself, that I got a chance to do today while Poppy had a sleep .

This was taken on a trip to Europe in 2015 . It was a special trip as we got to share it with one of my brothers 

A close up 

Thank You for calling by & I really appreciate your comments.

Stay Safe 

Love , Kindness & Peace

Mary x 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Archiscraps August Challenge ~ Vienna

Hello Hello

I am Popping in to share my layout for the challenge athttp://archiscraps.blogspot.com/2020/07/august-colour-challenge.html This month it is a colour challenge and to use gold and a clock/clocks on your layout

I have scrapped one of my photos from Vienna

Thank You for calling by and I appreciate your comments
Stay Safe in these times

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Hello !
Just popping in to share my take on the challenge at Scrap the Boys. To be honest I am finding it hard to be motivated to blog at the moment, but I've eventually found some time to upload this afternoon.

This months challenge to use pink

My beautiful, sweet Grandson on his 17th Birthday.

Thank you for calling by and I do appreciate if you take the time to leave a comment.

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Duomo Florence ~ Archiscraps June Challenge

Hello !
Today I am popping in to share my layout for the challenge at Archiscraps which is to use a dome

This is my take , the Duomo Florence 2008

I have added our train tickets  from Poggibonsi Tuscany to Florence . We were staying in a Tuscan Villa and caught the train into Florence for the day. I loved seeing the Duomo from the train as we arrive in Florence.

I have also added a Map of Florence. 

We did quite a lot ,seeing we were only there for the day. We went to the Uffizi Gallery and saw Botticelli's The Birth of Venus painting and at the Galleria Dell ' Accademina Michelangelo's David.
The Pont Vecchio we rushed over it to catch the train home, just making it ! King Neptunes Fountain and the Golden Doors , so many wonderful sites to see and take in.

A close up

Thank you for calling by
Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Summer Dreaming ~ Scrap Challenge Yourself

Hello ! Finally I am getting around to posting my layout for the new Challenge at Scrap Challenge Yourself , which is.....

as it is winter here in Australia I am definatley dreaming of warmer days. To help me get to sleep at night and to hope to one day make the dream come true I think of going to a Greek Island (I'm thinking Paros )

My layout is me on the Island of Patmos in 2008. We spent 10 wonderful days there.We have friends from Patmos and they still have a house there, which they kindly offered for us to stay in. Their relatives that still live on the Island were so kind to us, and because of their hospitality the memories will always hold a special place in our hearts.

I really think I should have be born on a Greek Island or a Tuscan Villiage. Either would be fine by me. 

Thank you for calling by , I really appreciate any comments.

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Hello ! 
I am popping in tonight to share my take on the challenge at Scrap Challenge yourself.
The challenge this month is .....

 All about Mothers

This is my take on the challenge

A Mothers love lasts a lifetime

This is 3 Generations ~  Mum, Me and my Daughter
It is at Mum's 90th Birthday . Dad had only passed away the month before, but even whilst he was in hospital he would ask "what are you doing for your Mothers Birthday" , so I knew it was important for us to celebrate it , as it is what Dad wanted.

Thank you for calling by, the restrictions seem to be lifting a bit which allowed us to see my two Grandchildren and Eldest Son and our Daugher in law at Easter which was lovely. We have our youngest Granddaughter and Daughter living with us , so that makes isolating a bit easier for us and I actually like staying at home.
Our middle son lives in Sydney, so it may be some time before we get to catch up with him.
I hope you are all keeping well and not finding these uncertain times too difficult.

Love, Peace and Kindness 
Mary x

Monday, May 4, 2020

My Three Brothers ~ Archiscaps May Challenge

Hello !
I hope all are well in these challenging times.
Today I am sharing a layout for the current challenge at Archiscraps , which is ....

Brown and cream and Ecru lace.
I love vintage and had this in mind for the challenge and went searching through my old photos, thinking one of Mum or a Grandmother etc......
Picked up the photo of my three brothers and that is the photo I wanted to scrap

and so I did , lace and all

Thank you for calling by. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to leave a comment. Makes me happy :)

Stay safe and well
Love, Peace and Kindness

Sunday, April 12, 2020

SCRAP CHALLENGE YOURSELF ~ Black and white photo

Hello !
I hope you had a lovely Easter . It was a very different Easter for most I would think.
We are fortunate that we could still spend the day with our Daughter and Granddaugter, but certainly missed the rest of our family.
This months challenge at Scrap Challenge Yourself is to create a layout using a black and white photo. 
This photo is from back in the day. I was at a Spinsters and Bachelor Ball and it was a fancy dress ball. I went dressed as a Indian (but to tell the truth, I dressed that way anyway, that top was my favourite) I was a bit of a hippy at heart.It was a wild night.

I have used elements on my page that I am drawn to ~ the colours, floral washi , Old lace and the deer ( My lovely friend made me a 12 days of Christmas and wrapped the parcels in deer paper , as she knows I love deers. The deer I fussy cut from the paper )
We stayed in Montmartre when we visited Paris. I would like to think we could go back one day, but its probably not going to happen,

Thank you for calling by
Stay safe and well, be kind to each other

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


I hope this finds you all well and safe and coping with isolation. 
One thing it gives time for creating, I find its my way of relaxing .
So I have been doing some layouts being inspired by challenges and I thought I would like to join in this challenge at Scrap the Girls and document a trip away with lovely friends. This trip I loook forward to every year. Five friends head off to the Blue Mountains for 3 days to scrap, chat, eat, bushwalk, laugh and cry.
This is the gorgeous Bec and myself heading off to meet up with the girls.

And a bit of a close up

Thank you for calling by and I hope you are getting to enjoy some down time , even if it is enforced at the moment.

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Friday, April 3, 2020

Scrap the Boys April Challenge ~ Celebrations

Hello ! 
The days turning colder and the leaves on the trees turning yellow and having to stay home, I have been spending some time scrapping and being inspired by the challanges of a new month.

The challenge over at Scrap the Boys this month inspired me to document my Grandsons 18th Birthday

and a close up

Thank You for calling by.
Stay safe and well
Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Kraft Plus ~ April Challenge ~ Fashion

Hello !
Like so many other people I am not working at the moment, so thought I would join in the Kraft Plus Challenge this month 

To be inspired by fashion
I loved how stylish My Mum and her sisters always looked when they went out . 
They lived on a farm and lived a simple life and made most of their own clothes. They had to use what they had back then .
Not sure where this photo of Mum is taken , she must be visiting a friend in the city. It does not surprise me that Mum is not in swimmers , she never liked water.

A close up

I used the spotty material for Mums dress and the lace is from a old petticoat of Mum's (  Don't think anyone wears petticoats anymore) The old pattern paper is to signify fashion and the fact Mum made her own clothes. And of course when you think of fashion you think of Paris, so the Paris washi tape.
Thank You for calling by , it was a fun challenge. Stay safe and well, check on each other and be kind
Love , Peace and kindness 
Mary x

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Archiscraps Challenge March ~ Peaceful~ To find she was so perfectly alone

Hello ! I hope you are keeping safe and well in these uncertain times.
To curb my anxiety and to find a little peace I thought to join in the challenge at Archiscraps was something to do to help with these feelings, as the challenge this month is all about Peace.
I find I feel most peaceful anywhere in nature , particularly if water is involved.
I love sitting just looking at the ocean (it makes me think how small we really are in the scheme of things) Living in the country and the closest beach being 4 hours away its usually only when on a holiday I get to enjoy this treat.
The next best thing where I live is the lake. 
The photo is from a couple of years ago now as with the drought there is little water in it at the moment.

To find she was so perfectly alone

and a close up

I find also playing with mists and inks is relaxing and peaceful. 
Thank you for calling by and I hope you find peace and relaxation in these times.
Maybe the universe is telling us to slow down and look after ourselves and each other, to take care of our earth better.

Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Whats in the Bickie Tin ~ March

Hello !
Back again to share a layout for the March Challenge at Whats in the Bickie Tin
The Criteria is The colour Pink, Use some Paint and do some handwriting.
As in my previous post I stated I am making a album of my Grand daughters first Birthday and the theme was pink, so perfect challenge to get another page done.
I wanted to do this page a bit like PL , so as to get a few pics of the day on one layout

Hopefully when Poppy is older she can look through her album and see what a special day her Mummy made her First Birthday for her to be.
Thank You for calling by and I do appreciate any comments you take the time to leave .

Love , Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Monday, March 9, 2020


Hello ! 
Today I am sharing my layout for the current challenge at Scrap Challenge Yourself and this months theme is Polka Dots

My Granddaughter recently turned one and I am going to make a albumn of her birthday for her and I thought Polka Dots would be a lovely page to go with her Pinata photo and then I remembered I had to be in it ! (insert head slap )

Besides this photo, the only other photos on the day are with my Granddaughter Poppy, and my daughter doesn't like me to put scrap pages of her on challenge sites, so......
My son captured me looking up at my Granddaughter.
Explaining so the layout makes sense to you 

and some close ups

Thank You for popping by and I really appreciate any comments

Love, Peace and Kindness 
Mary x

Saturday, February 8, 2020

My Hero ~ Scrap Challenge Yourself Febuary

Hello !
Today I am back with another challenge layout for over at Scrap Challenge Yourself.

My hero is my daughter. She has always been a strong girl, I don't think I can take credit for raising her stong, I think she was born strong. Her brothers recently commented that she is the strongest person they know.
The last 12mths has been a very difficult time in her life and  she has handled herself with grace, strength and courage even though her heart is broken.
And I know she is her little girls hero and I have a feeling her daughter is going to be a strong girl just like her Mumma.
This is my layout 

a close up 

thank you for calling by
Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Archiscraps Feb Challenge ~

Hello !
When I saw the current challenge at Archiscraps I knew the lovely Mintay Old Manor range By Karola Witczak I purchased this week would be perfect for the Mood Board Colours and plus I got another travel layout completed .... Yay 

Besides the colour pallette the other criteria is to use a flourish on your layout

Zurich is a beautiful city and I love all the old buildings.

I used a stamped flourish as well as a chipboard one.

Thank you for calling by
Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Monday, February 3, 2020


Hello Again !
Wow two posts within a few days !
Today I am joining in with the challenge at Scrap The Girls and what better subject than these wonder friends.

Friends Annual Get Away 

Every year we head to the Blue Mountains for some Girl Time, and I am sooooo looking forward to this year. These girls are definately good for my soul. 

A close up

I kept the layout quite simple and I've added a little bit of Lizzy and Bec to the layout with some of the embellishments that I was gifted from them.

Thank You for calling by
Love, Peace and Kindness
Mary x

Friday, January 31, 2020


Hello ! Long time no blog, but I do like to try and enter the Challenge at Scrap ChallengeYourself when I can.

This months Challenge is to pick OLW (one Little word)
The word I have chosen for the year is "CALM"
The Past year has been challenging on many levels and will continue to be for some time. Calm is something I don't do well, but for my own well being and health it is something I need to master (wish me luck)

And a close up

Thanks for calling by 
Love , Peace and Kindness
Mary x