Showing posts with label Bead kabobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bead kabobs. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bead. Set. Done. Next. Don't forget about the drawings!

Whirlwind times are upon me.
About two weeks ago when I was planning out an extremely full July - I really thought, in my head that we were in August already (that is a FULL schedule!).
Do you ever have those times?
The thought of no time makes me grumpy though...

I am enjoying some of the added crazy: Birthdays - lots of them, including Dave's. Trips to the beach. Planning for a Bridal Shower - bring on the craft, planning, shopping and all kinds of stuff!
Then add in some family drama spice, a few medical issues, and you've got a great cup that is just about to break the surface because it is SO full.
But I seem to get more done under pressure.

To eek out some time for my work, I have been up 2 hours early, and going to bed as soon as the kids are asleep. So here are some pics from my studio as I glazed and fired up some bead sets this last week so I could at least keep on top of my business (have to pay the bills...)

Marsha preparing to glaze beads.
Marsha's Beads glazed and ready for loading into the kiln.
First layer of beads into the bottom layer of the kiln before glaze firing.
Same set of beads, after the Glaze firing.

Marsha Neal Studio Beads on Rods out of the Glaze Firing
Sorting of the beads into handmade "matching" pairs.
Sorting of the bead pairs into their palettes.

Bead Sets are all strung up and ready to ship!
I'm also working on building up a bit of stock for D7 Studio to sell at Bead Fest in Philadelphia (shared booths #261 & #360).

Make sure you get your beads and get entered into the bonus drawing!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bead Kabob Bead Sets Are Here!

Here they are!
It is hard to believe how much time this has taken up just to get these made, sorted, photographed, edited, and now into a viewable photo where you can pick out your beads for me to make for you!
AND it is just the beginning to my website overhaul (which has been off and on for the last few years).

I have picked out and named 27 color palettes to start with and have put them up into my Etsy Shop.
The color combinations are limitless ~ I had to stop myself!!
Marsha Neal Studio Bead Set Palettes (group 1)
 I like making things in pairs, so all of these bead sets have 8 pairs = 16 beads total per set.
Marsha Neal Studio Bead Set Palettes (group 2)
The photos are representational of the set you will receive, as I make each bead individually, then pick out the pairs to match in that "handmade matching way" (meaning they will not be identical to what you see, but will be similar).
Size of bead may vary greatly, so if you are looking for smaller versions or prefer the larger versions of these size beads, mention that when you are checking out and I will pull those sizes out of my bead stash for you!
Marsha Neal Studio Bead Set Palettes (group 3)

These sets will be available in my Etsy shop and on my Website (coming soon).
You can pick out your style of bead (Textured Disc, Round, Chevron, Spiral) and pick out which color palette you want it in. The more textured the bead, the more intense color you will see (the glazes puddle where there is a groove, and break white over porcelain and dark brown over the chocolate stoneware).
Marsha Neal Studio
Four Different Styles of Beads
In Tropical Getaway Palette

If you want to create a custom palette for yourself, my website will be the place for you to shop as soon as we get the bead pages created and loaded (beads, pendants, shards, buttons, cabochons, etc).

And the most awesome thing about this website update is that the new cart offers YOU a "rewards" program!
When you log into your account on my website, then shop there for silks, ceramic beads, etc you accumulate points for what you buy there.
Then the points get turned into $$ to spend on items from my website!
I love getting free stuff for buying stuff (Don't you?!)
The Points do not apply to Etsy sales at all though.
So keep that in mind when deciding where to shop for my goods.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bead Kabobs Are Being Created Now!

I've been working on making (and making and making) then photographing my newest bead line. Individual colors are taken, now I'm working on palettes like these in 4 different bead styles that these will come in. There are 8 pairs in each set. The kabob bit is an inside joke from some of the gals on Face Book, Beads of Clay group...

I am super excited about this addition to my website overhaul!

Here is a peek: