Showing posts with label aussie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aussie. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is the newest piece that I have added to my website, I have always loved the colours and "rawness" that I see in beads that come from various communities around the world.( portugal,mexico and Africa) These beads have been made to replicate that feel. I hope that I have achieved it!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New tennants in the tree

If you read one of my previous posts,you will remember that a possum found a place to rest in our tree just by our bedroom. Well today,whilst busily making a fascinator (hat) I heard some squaking from our tree.ran out only to find two lorikeets feeding their young in the tree. You cannot see the babies in the photo,they are deep within the hole,but mum and dad are there!
Will have to start charging rent for these noisy tennants!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Australian Wildlife in my backyard

I am very fortunate to live in a part of Sydney where the animal wild life is prolific. My backyard is home to families of rosella's,cockatoos and lorickeets. We also have a number of reptile creatures,blue tongue lizards in particular. But the most amazing creature sleeps during the day in our big gum tree,which is adjacent to the upstairs balcony.This possum is extremely noisy at night,when he/she runs accross our roof to have possum parties!
It is a fabulous environment and I feel very priveldged to share this place with them all.
See the photo below.