Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.
I'd like to extend a special welcome to my new followers. So sweet of you to join me in my creative journey and I hope I can give you a little inspiration along the way.
I'd like to extend a special welcome to my new followers. So sweet of you to join me in my creative journey and I hope I can give you a little inspiration along the way.
I'm back to share another update of my Planner. Can't believe it's the middle of April already!! Once again the year is flying past way too fast. Who do I need to talk to to slow it down a bit!!?? LOL!!
The divider pages between February and March.
There was a pocket in the left hand page but I don't need that anymore so I adhered some quotes, etc. over the top of it.
The full month at a glance.
March wasn't a terribly busy month for us but we did have a few things happening. A couple of Birthdays in the family and, of course, these was Easter as well. I might have gone overboard with the stickers on these pages but, what the heck, it's just my Planner and I do love the stickers.
Week 1.
Week one was reasonably busy but I did have some space to add a few quotes and stickers (always find room for those LOL!!) My darling hubby and I celebrated our 49th Anniversary in this week. My goodness, those years have flown by. They do say time flies when you're having fun don't they??
I added a Heidi Swapp transparency here as well. It makes a nice cover for the extra little note page I added as I had a fair bit to write about.
Found some new stickers too .. the puffy owl ones .. I do love owls!!
Here's a closie .. Isn't it cute??
Week 2.
Week two was a bit hectic too. Had a Birthday to celebrate in this week. It was nice to have a quiet day on the Sunday .. LOL!! There is another of those new puffy owl stickers .. did I tell you I love owls?? You'd never know would you?? LOL!!
Week 3.
I have actually made a few 'stickers' of my own by simply using clip art. Turned out alright I reckon'!!
And .. guess what .. some of them are .... wait for it .... owls!!! Love the drunk one!! Bit like me on a quiet night at home!! He!! He!!
There's also some butterflies (and a closie of some of the stamping I did in this month's pages) ..
and coffee cups!
Made some of them the right size to fit into a 1" circle punch, but some I have to fussy cut or use my trimmer to cut them out. Pop a little glue on the back and voila!! I think they are rather cute and, in case any of you are interested, here is one of the pages I put together.
Hopefully (because I have never done this before) if you right click on the image and select Save, you will be able to print these for yourself. I really hope this works. If it does work, and if enough people are interested, I will share more of them later on.
So, onto week 4 .. which also looks like it was quite busy!
Mmm???!! Maybe March wasn't as quiet as I thought it was?? LOL!!
Of course, this was Easter week which is always a wonderful and Blessed time for us.
We have been very Blessed in every aspect of our lives and I do thank the Lord for all of it.
So, this is the final week for March.
In this week my darling hubby celebrated his Birthday .. hence, the balloons!! Not much happened for the rest of the week though so .. more space for stickers!! Yayy!!! LOL!!
A couple more closies of the stamping around the edge of the pages.
And .. that's it! .. March, done and dusted. I'm hoping that, in the April pages, I will have a few photos. Have bought myself a Canon Selphy and am learning to use it, so, you never know. All I have to do now, is remember to actually take the photos!! LOL!!
This turned out to be a much longer post than I thought it would. Thank you so much for sticking it out till the end and thank you all for visiting today.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day and have a lovely weekend as well.
Take care .. stay safe .. and God Bless.
Do what you love and love what you do.